The Speaker

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Naruto entered the Speakers chambers and was left amazed at the architecture. He stared at the machinery while his ghost was beside him.

"There was a time when we were much more powerful." Naruto looks in the direction of the voice and saw a man clad in white and wore a mask coming down the stairs. "But that was long ago. Until it wakes and finds its voice, I am the one who speaks for the Traveler." The Speaker showed Naruto the Traveler hovering above the city. "In its dying breath, the Traveler created the ghosts to seek out those who can wield its light as a weapon, Guardians, to protect us and do what the Traveler itself no longer can."

"What happened to it?"

"I could tell you of the great battle centuries ago, how the traveler was crippled. I could tell you of the Darkness. But those are tales for another day." Naruto simply nodded.

"Every Guardian gives the City hope, but in your case, it may be different."

"Different?" Naruto answered. The Speaker paused for a moment then spoke.

"Long ago before the golden age, before the Industrial Revolution, there was a civilization that stood before our own. According to our research, the people of that era possessed a special energy that made them superhuman. And according to the information, your Ghost sent us we believe you might be one of them."

Naruto didn't react as received the information. Naruto's Ghost felt worried as Naruto stood there doing nothing. The Ghost decided to say something.

"Look... Naruto I-"



"We were called Shinobi."

"Ah, do you remember your past?" the Speaker said.

"I just Remember... faces and... the fighting, so much fighting." Naruto said with a sad tone.

"No need to stress yourself young one, you'll regain your memories in time but be aware, this could cause you... mental scarring."

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Well, we plan on studying you, if you allow us of course."

"Are you going to experiment with me?!"Naruto thought the worst he heard the Speakers. The Speaker chuckled.

"No no no, none of that stuff, we'll make sure you'll stay safe." Naruto still felt at ease. "Our end goal is to see if we can replicate the energy, so it can be applied on Guardians. All is this optional, you may even leave and not fight the darkness but know this, you cannot escape it. The City is frightened, and we are losing more Guardians every week."

"Multiple armies surround us. The Fallen are just the beginning." The Ghost cuts in. Naruto pondered for a moment then responded.

"What can I do?" Naruto gave the Speaker a look of determination. The Speaker felt a weight lifted off his shoulders and was even more relieved when he saw his determination.

"Guardians are fighting on Earth and beyond. Join them. Your Ghost will guide you. As of now, you may rest." The Speaker leaves leaving the duo on their own.

"What now?" Naruto said.

"Whatever it is we're in this together."

"Well, then I say we get something to eat."

"I don't eat."

"More for me then, come on Hiruzen."

"You don't even know... Wait what did you call me?!"

"Hiruzen, I told you I was giving you a name didn't I?"

"And I told you I didn't want one, And why Hiruzen?"

"Don't know, it just seems important to me."

The duo left the chambers unknown to them the Speaker was listening and couldn't help but smile under his mask. He knew Naruto was going to do great things for the City.


Naruto found himself back at the tower after his rest at the city. Naruto's time in the city was interesting. He stayed at a house built for Guardians, there they receive supplies for everything: ammo, armor, and food. It was a nice place, but it was only temporary as the Vanguard had called for him.

"OK, Hiruzen where to?"

"I told you not to call me that." Naruto let out a chuckle infuriating the Ghost.

"NARUTO!" The duo attention was caught as a female Titan ran their way. Although they knew each other for a day Naruto knew who was coming and braced for impact. Olympia stops dead in her tracks and looked at Naruto completely puzzled, he took a glimpse and saw Olympia staring at him. He quickly composed himself and greeted Olympia.

"Hello Olympia"

"Hello, sooooo how are things going?"

"Fine, about to meet the Vanguard."

"Oh, I about to see Zavala, we can together!"


"All right let's go."

In the distance a Hunter looks from above and observed the Guardians, soon a Ghost materialized and spoke.

"Are you sure about this, what if we get caught?"

"The Vanguard is the least of my concern."

"But what if we fail, what if?"

"Don't worry, you know my prey never gets away."

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