Fist First

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 This was a sight to behold, the Fallen have never seen a such an incapable human. The human was being flung around by his own weapon missing every shot. Some Fallen started laughing while others hummed a strange tune at the thought of easy prey. The show ended when the weapon runs out of ammo, quickly thinking on his feet the guardian ran to the nearest cover. The Fallen processed to fire at the cover, hoping to destroy it and kill the guardian.

"How did you, forget it just reload the gun!" screamed the ghost.

"How?" responded the guardian.

"Remove the clip from the gun, grab another one on your belt, inserted in the gun, ready it and rinse and repeat." The guardian tried to do what the ghost said only to drop the clip while trying to insert.

"Screw this I'm punching them all in the face!"

"What!? You can't do that, you'll die in a matter of seconds." Those words made no effect on the young guardian as he went charging in with no fear or hesitation. He quickly analyzed the hall trying to find the best strategy. There was 2 small creature one behind the other and a bigger one at the end of the hallway. This creature looked like a soldier compared to the others two who look like cockroaches. The Guardian gave a high knee to the first roach and grabbed it using it as a shield while charging at the other one. The creatures still fired at the guardian ignoring their own comrade. Dropping the now corpse of the roach the Guardian launched a fury of kicks hitting one on its leg, two on its sides and a brutal kick to its head. Still, in the motion of the attack the guardian had lost sight of the roach soldier, in a second the soldier appeared in front of him swinging some sort of lightning swords. Reacting the guardian raised his hand hoping to somehow soften the upcoming blow, to the guardian surprise a strange surge of energy expelled from his hand hitting the soldier pushing it back in an instant. The sound of bone-crunching as the creature flew across the hall hitting the wall left the guardian astonished.

"Whoa, how did that happen." the guardian said with slight joy in his voice.

"NEVER do that again." the ghost voice was angry something the guardian wasn't expecting.

"Hey we're still alive aren't we." the guardian grab the gun. "Look if you have a problem with my methods you can pop up and fight your way."

"No, I'll stick to living in your head thank you very much."

"Living in my head?" said the guardian. "You got a lot of explaining to do."

"I will, but we need to leave the wall, this place is Fallen territory."

"So there called Fallen?" The guardian processed to move the halls getting a comfortable grip on the gun. "I wonder how they got that name?"

"Doesn't matter, keep moving." the ghost said coldly.

The Guardian moved to observe the hallways for any 'Fallen' trying to avoid any confrontation. Going through the hallways the guardian encounters a large bridge filled with fallen of all shape and sizes. Holding a firm grip on his gun he aimed for the nearest fallen roach and finally fire a steady shot killing the roach in an instant. By instinct, the Fallen fired at the guardian in hopes of adding another trophy to their collection. Fallen fell one by one as the guardian started pushing forward:

"I'm starting to get used to this thing." as he reloaded the gun.

"I located a way out, just follow the marker on your hub." the ghost explained.


"The screen on your helmet, that's in front of your FACE."

"I'm wearing a helmet?"

"Regret, so much regret right now."

With the fallen dealt with the guardian ran to the marker escaping to a large hall with multiple fallen scattered screaming showing no fear at their adversary. The guardian did not hesitate and fired at all the fallen he saw, soon the bodies started to pile up.

"Is it over?" the guardian said trying to catch his breath.

"Yes, I see nothing on the radar. Head to the door on the right."

The guardian walks through the door entering what seems to be a large vent system. With a moment to calm down the Guardian reflect on what happened, he processed to walk.


"Excuse me?"

"That's my name, Naruto... I think."

"Strange, you can remember your past?"

"It's all blur, but it'll come back to me."

"You must be of the rare type, not all guardians get to remember their past lives."

"Guess I'm lucky." Naruto chuckled under his breath. "So what's your name?"

"I don't have a name, I'm just your ghost."

"You don't have a name, don't mind if come up with one?"

"I rather like if you not." said the ghost as they left the vent into the outside revealing a large open area.

"Why not, everyone-"

The sky seems to erupt in a bright explosion as multiple pieces of gigantic metal fell out of the sky then flew over them making a loud hum sound that frighted the young guardian.

"What just happened?!"

"Fallen ships! This close to the surface?!"


"Wait, I'm picking up signs of an old jump ship. Could be our ticket out of here."

"Then let's go!"

Naruto ran out in the open running to the marker the ghost had just placed. The surrounding fallen saw him running and let out a cry to signal the rest. A fallen sniper took aim ready to fire but just as it about took the shot a captain took the gun and stared at the vandal. It spoke in its native language, after the exchange the vandal stand down as do the rest of the fallen simply looking at an easy target get away, but they knew of what was coming his way and would not have to deal with 'him'.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" the ghost screamed.

"Heading to the ship, you?"

"You just ran into a field filled with Fallen."

"But why didn't they fired?"

"That is what worries me!"

Naruto entered the building readying his gun. It was empty devoid of any life in complete ruin, Naruto continued to walk and entered a large area with a hole in the ceiling with a strange contraption hanging on a steel beam.

"There's the ship!" the ghost yelled. "Alright, let me see if I can us out of here." the ghost materialized immediately scanning the ship.

"It's been here awhile. Hasn't made a jump in centuries. We're lucky the Fallen haven't completely picked it clean."

"Will it work?"

"I can make it work."

The jumpship's engines power on and the jump ship breaks free from the cables, hovering in the air.

"Okay, it's not going to break orbit, but it might get us to the city. Now about that transmat..." A loud growl interrupted him. Naruto turned around and saw a huge Fallen monster coming out of a hole in the wall, the creature landed on the ground causing it to shake.

"H- he's huge!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Bringing you in!"

Soon Naruto began to dematerialized and rematerialized inside the ship. The ship power's up and began to fly away as the Fallen try to shoot it down, the jumpship then leaves the Cosmodrome. At the top of the building, there were two individuals watching the whole ordeal.

"The Archon seems to be angry." said the hooded figure. She was holding a weird shape weapon on her back then turned to face her companion. "Is he really the one?"

The man was wearing a long, black cloak with blue clouds and was wearing a mask with a spiral pattern focused on his right eye. He made eye contact with the Exo reveling his eye. His eye had ripple pattern that speared oven his eye.

"Doesn't matter, he's a Chakra user that's good enough."  

A/N: Well I finished this faster than I thought, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed the story!

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