The Vanguard

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The duo climbed the stairs and proceeded to the hall. Olympia stops in her tracks and soon Naruto did the same.

"Wait, I want you to meet someone!" She walked over to a large titan next to a desk with Naruto behind her. The Titan notice the duo and welcomed them.

"Greetings, how may I assist you, Guardians?"

"Y-you don't remember me Lord Shaxx?" The handler paused for a moment then answered.

"Ah yes, Miss Olympia am I correct?" Olympia blushed heavily. "He does remember me!" she thought to herself.

"Y-yes that's me hehe." Olympia stared at Shaxx with sparkles in her eyes.

"And who's your friend here?" Lord Shaxx focused on Naruto.

"Oh, just a friend of mine, he's new around here," She said staring at Shaxx the whole time and waving off Naruto.

"Ah, fresh blood or 'Kinderguardians' as people have been calling them now. Welcome to the Hall of Guardians here you'll find both the Vanguard and the Crucible handler which is me."

"The Crucible?" Naruto questioned.

"The Crucible is a Guardian vs Guardian activity where you fight for superiority and hone your technique. Don't let Miss Olympia track record fool you, she been making her mark on the Crucible!" Olympia's face turns red after hearing Shaxx's compliment.

"So it's like training?"

"Exactly, what to join a match?"

"Can't right now I've got to meet the Vanguard."

"No problem but make sure to come to the Crucible often, everyone needs a taste of the Crucible."

"I wanna taste..." Olympia whispered to herself.

"Ah sorry, anything you need Guardian?" Shaxx said now focused on Olympia.

"Oh, nothing, nothing... I was wondering if I can... hang out... here for a while."

"Of course I don't mind company." Olympia's face was completely red at this point.

"Hey, I thought you had to meet the Vanguard." Olympia simply waved him off.

"Okay, I'll be on my way then." Naruto left Olympia and proceeded to end of the hall.

"Jeez, talk about being love-struck," Hiruzen said.

"You said it, I hope I never get obsess for someone like that."

Naruto entered a large room with a long table in the middle. At another end of the table, there was a blue-grayish man, Awoken as they're called, studying a scroll. Beside the table was a man made of metal, an Exo, who seems to be trying to small talk with the awoken.

"Hey, Zavala wanna bet a Hunter finds their mark before you." The Titan ignored the Hunter and continued to read the scroll. The Exo notice Naruto and focused on him.

"Hello, there Guardian, any news to report, stories, sage advice from yours truly, here take a seat, let's talk."

"Ignore him, Guardian, he's simply bored." Zavala closed the scroll and hid it away then walked over to Naruto. "You must be Naruto, I'm Commander Zavala and this right here Cayde-6."

"Wait this is the guy the Speaker was talking about? I'm not gonna lie I was expecting... more."

"Jeez sorry for disappointing you." Naruto responded.

"Eh, I'm used to it at this point." Cayde received a menacing stare from Zavala and in response, he simply raised his hands and nodded his head. "Okay, Okay..." Cayde steps aside and Zavala faced Naruto.

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