I| "Romeo Romero?"

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Only Melody S Jones could end up in a prison visiting room, in front of a criminal, just to stalk the handsome police officer.

Biggest clown ever.

But, damn he was a piece of art, the way his muscles flex through his uniform, his full sleeve of tattoo and that god damn smile.

"Oi! Stop drooling!" Mr Romero snapped me out of my daze, causing me to flinch in my seat and wipe around my mouth.

I place my hands back on top of my lap and look back up at him, forcing a smile at my supposedly long lost uncle, but he clearly hated me and did not want to play along.

Now, let me tell you guys how I ended up here:

Two weeks ago

"Pops!" I call, running towards him with my arms out, he instantly wraps his arms around me, pulling my closer to him, his bigger form complete engulfing my little one. I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling the familiar warmth of my dads embrace. God, I missed him.

He pulls away, ruffling my hair while flashing me his perfect white teeth, "My little melody, how you been?"

I step back a little, fixing my hair, trying to look a little decent and frown up at him, "Still not little pops and I'm alright, would've been better if I didn't have to pick you pick from the police station,"

He sighs, rolling his eyes, "Sorry hun, but it's not like that, there was just this incident and I happen to be a witness,"

My eyes widen, as I frantically scan him, searching for any injuries, "an incident? Are you hurt? What-who-"

Pops starts chuckling, stopping my rambling and inspecting, "calm down, it wasn't anything major and I just happen to be passing when I noticed so, don't worry,"

"hm-" I cut my sentence short when I hear a familiar voice behind me, instantly catching my attention,

"Man the visiting section is so busy today," he complained,

Turning my head to the voice, my eyes fall upon a masterpiece.

One word; Damn

This guy was an absolute masterpiece; he had on his black uniform which fit him perfectly, a little to perfect and his sculptured face, very well defined features basically he was perfect. But the icing on the cake as to be the way his sleeves are rolled up, revealing his sleeve tattoo.

But the main thing that caught my attention had to be the fact that he looked a little familiar, which is weird, considering if I meet him before I would've never let him go, instead we would've been wearing matching wedding rings.

Calm down Melody your inner psycho is showing!

"Ehh-Hi?" He gives me a weird look, probably because I've been staring for a while now, well done Melody, now he thinks you're a weirdo!

Blinking at him, I try and respond, "co-cookies?"

Great now doesn't just think you're a weirdo, he knows!

Just go crawl into a trash can please.

Despite my weirdness, he smiles, his bright and perfect teeth blinding me,

My one true weakness; a beautiful smile.

He continues to smile and walks towards me, "actually wouldn't mind one of those now, so how you?"

"Okay?" I say, tilting my head to the side a little, am I okay?

"Remember me?" He asks, smiling and pointing to himself

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