XXIII.2| "Don't say her name,"

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The sound of loud car tires screeching to a stop could be heard outside;

"We'll deal with these guys, finish your talk, he's all yours."

Cayden was done playing games. He grabbed the gun from behind him, pointing it at the grinning man, "You still are. Now enough chit chat, real talk. Tell me what I wanna know before I blow your brains out,"

"Awh cute. How about, I tell you a secret, in exchange for one," he negotiates, raising his brows, scratching his jaw with his gun.

"What do you want?"

Warren smiled, "That girl of yours, who is she? Kinda cute, you know would be a shame if I-"


"Finish that and it'll be between your eyes next," Cayden warns, grip on his gun tight.

The man turns around to stare at the hole in the wall, "serious huh? Anyways... Met her brother, real jerk, tried to shoot me,"

"What?" Cayden could feel his hands getting sweaty, brother? But if anything happened, he'd have to live with the fact that, he was responsible for whatever happened to Melody's so-called brother. Melody.

Warren shrugged unbothered, "clearly not interested in the business. Yeah so the girl, Melody Sama-"


"Don't say her name,"

"Geez, would you calm down? I thought you wanted Information," Warren pouts, "let's move on to someone else then, since the girl is a sensitive topic. Wayne, my dear brother, where is he?"

Cayden masks his emotions, "I thought you killed him."

Warren's eyes twitches, "Where is he?"

Cayden almost wanted to laugh at how fast Warren changes his character, "I've been away for a year and a half, I'm the wrong person to ask and anyway, he's been missing for longer than that, since you've been released," feeding his ego.

"So he's hiding, always been a coward," he smirks, but instantly changing it to a smile, looking up at Cayden, "your turn,"

"Why did you want me gone?"

His smile turns even more sinister as he shrugs, "Thought you'd enjoy it, you know, so much freedom. Thought I'd show how I spent 15 years! But we clearly had different experiences, I underestimated your ability you know, how did you manage to make so many friends huh? That's what I wanna know,"

Cayden shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"I'm not stupid," he sneered, "there's a lot of people in your 'gang' that's you're hiding,"


"This is getting boring Warren! Talk business! Tell me who and where they are!" Cayden knew that the clock was ticking and Warren was dragging this out.

He puffs and mutters, "clearly didn't get your patience from me," he looks at Cayden, "what did you want to know, again?"

Cayden clenched jaw, strolling towards Warren, he stops a few away from him, slotting the gun inside his jacket,

"Warren," He warns, noticing a smirk on the other mans face, he instantly grabs him by his wrist, the one holding the gun and turning him around, tighten his hold until the gun falls from his hand, "talk,"

"Are you seriously-?" Warren mocked, gobsmacked, while Cayden kicked the gun away, Warren used his free hand to free himself and throw a punch at Cayden, "I thought we were going to have a peaceful conversation,"

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