XI|"Regla número 3!"

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*not edited*


"Hey Lauren, do you mind bringing out some more chocolate chip cookies," I say, as Lauren was making her way to the back, she holds her thumbs up and I continue scanning the pantry, taking note of anything else.

The bell on the door rings, causing me to look up, in hopes of it being a certain someone, but instead, it was a group of guys, quite scary-looking group of guys...

The three guys walk in, scanning the bakery, the one on the right has a smooth smirk on his face, as he nods in approval. The one left was to say looked the least intimating but honestly, it was only the fact that he has a slight smile on his face other then that, he also looks like he could squash me if he wanted to. However, the one in the middle, yeah his scary, his face was neutral but he still looks angry for no goddam reason. The guy in the middle could possibly even best Cayden in the whole scariest death stare.

Sadly they were all also, very handsome men...

"Hello," I greet, a bright smile on my face.

"Hey there," a smooth voice answers back, the one from the right, walks up and leans against the counter, a wave of musky perfume surrounding him, he smells nice...

"What can I get you guys?" I get straight to business, grabbing some clear gloves from under the desk, my fake customer service smile still present.

"I hear you guys make the best cookies," the same guy says, he looks down at the menu on the counter,

I nod, "yeah, is there a particular one you're after," I decided this was a good reason to back away, put some space between us, I walk towards the cookie section.

"Well I for one really want a chocolate chip cookie," he says, looking up at me with a smirk on his face.

"Stop wasting time, get your cookie and let's leave," the scary one says, I'm glad he still hasn't made eye contact with me yet

"You're such a spoilsport, E. I'll take 5 chocolate chip cookies then," he orders, I nod and get a paper bag when I realise there's only 2 here, oops...

"I've only got 2 here, but there's more at the back if you don't mind waiting a few minutes," I put the bag down, once the guy nods, waiting for Lauren.

"Hey, that sign outside, what's that about?" The same guy asks I notice the guys scatter around the bakery, scary one stands near the door, leaning beside the door, while the innocent looking one stood besides Mr.Smirk, leaning against the glass.

"If you don't mind, could you not lean against the glass please," I say, quickly adding, "it's only because you kinda look like you could break the glass with your pinky and it's very expensive to replace so...."

He quickly gets off it and holds his hands up and apologise, a smile on his face, awh I like him, he seems nice.

"It's alright and the sign outside, which one?" I turn back to Smirks,

Instead of Smirks, Nice responds back, pointing towards the window, "the 'here to talk' one,"

My face brightens up as I remember, "oh, well, like the sign suggests we're here to talk, listen or if there's anything you need getting of your mind or just need break from everything,"

A bakery once saved my life, even though they were a horrible baker, I still owe him my life, for being there for me when no one else was. So if I can do the same for someone day, give them a little hope or something because, everyone needs a little saving, no matter how lost they are.

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