IV| "I got you a friend!"

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I hide behind my aunt as we walk in, my short genes finally doing me a favour, this time Romeo was already sat there waiting, a scowl present on his face.

"Melody? Which one?" Aunt Jemma asked, not questioning my weird behaviour, she was used to this at this point.

"He's sat in the right corner, got a scar running down his head to his eyebrow," I described, walking with her as she followed my direction.

She stops, "Hi, I'm Jemma," she greets, oh no here we go.

"My supposedly pregnant fiancé?" He says, annoyance clear in his voice, I hear him sigh before he continues, "you know I can see you,"

I slowly peek out from behind my aunt, "surprise," I give him a toothy grin which quickly goes down once I notice his glare.

"I got you a date!" I point at aunt Jemma, who quickly turns to me confused, "unless you're married or taken then...I got you a friend!"

"Kid," he sighs, I point at the seats in front of Romero, urging my aunt to sit who does hesitatingly.

Romero stares at me with a blank face, "you know I've been in prison for 4 years, so unless I donated sperms when I was drunk, that ain't my baby,"

I awkwardly laugh, ignoring my aunts now very confused face, "how am I supposed to know,"

Romero shakes his head at me add turns to my aunt, "who are you? Did she pay you to come here?" Dude, I'm broke.

My aunt looks between me and Romero and finally speaks, "good damnit Melody, you told me you were taking me to a super-secret meeting, hence the extra security,"

He sighs, "I guess stupidity runs in the family," rude!

This however, catches my aunts attention and she snaps her head towards Romero, "excuse me? You calling me stupid? I'm not the one in prison or sat here wearing an ugly orange onesie," ohhh!!

Romero looks gobsmacked as he stares at her, blinking slowly as he stares at her, this time in awe, oh no...

He opens his mouth to say something but I completely zone out their conversation once I notice James standing in the corner.

He's very quick to catch my attention as he meets my eye and gives me a charming smile and a wave, which I return, mine just a little more enthusiastic.

He's also very quick to walk over towards us, ignoring the heart eyes and glances he gets from some of the visitors, I was feeling pretty proud of myself since the whole time he had his eyes on me. Almost there melody!

"Hey kitten, not visiting Cayden today?" He asks as he glances at Romero and my aunt who seemed to be in a pretty heated conversation to even notice the new presence or frankly didn't care to.

I shake my head, "nope, visiting my dear uncle again," Romero catches onto that and briefly glances at me to give me a disapproving look and turns back to my aunt. What are they even talking about?!

James nods, "that's cool. Oh, by the way, you never gave me the name of your bakery last time we talked,"

"I didn't?" I ask confused, "oh well it's called...'Melody's bakery' I know it's lame but I'm not exactly a creative person...It's across from that creepy pet store,"

James chuckles, "no I think it's cute and I think you're far from not creative but, I'll make sure to come down when I'm free," please come every day.

"First comers get a free cookie," I say and continue, "but I'm willing to upgrade to a cupcake for you,"

James gasps, "really? Damn feeling pretty lucky right now, well I'll make sure to come as soon as I can," I nod and smile up at him.

Someone from the other side calls his name, grabbing his attention away as he turns around, the guy gestures something with his hand causing James to nod.

James turns back to me giving me a finale smile, "Well I gotta go kitten, hopefully catch you later, when you visit Cayden again or maybe at your bakery," he turns around and walks away giving me the perfect view of his back.

"Hey, kid!" Romero snapped his finger in front of my face, I quickly turn towards him

"Hi," I respond, waiting for him to continue.

Romero sighs and shakes his head, "what have I told you about visiting here, I know you're visiting Cayden, once again you got lucky. But you need to be careful, this isn't your world, I told you to go back to the playground, get ice cream or something," he waves his hand around to emphasise his point.

I brightly smile up at him, ignoring all the right points his making, "see now you're playing the part,"

He facepalms and gets up, causing me to frown, "Hey, where are you going?"

"We're done," he says to me, but turns to my aunt, "bye," wait what...?

"Wait, Wait! Tell Cayden to let me visit him, please!" I plead, Romero doesn't say anything instead just nods at me and walks back inside.

I turn to aunt Jemma who smiles at Romero's back as he walks away, she turns to me, "this went better than expected,"

What did I do...?

.     .     .

I smile at the sulking figure in front of me, he was sat leaning back in his seat and scowl present on his face.

"Hi," I give him a toothy grin and hold my hand up at him.

He sighs, "can't believe I actually agreed to do this again,"

"And thank you for that," I grin at Cayden as he looks like he's contemplating his decision.

I also reach into my pocket, pulling out a few papers, causing Cayden to groan, his head falling onto the table as he slowly bangs it, "oh no, not again,"

I frown at him as slowly unfolded the creased papers, "stop being a drama queen,"

Laying the papers on the table I wait for him to glance up, "now, what would you like to eat first,"

This causes him to groan more as he prays, "God, help me,"

Drama queen!

- Authors Note -


This chapter is a little short because the part I wanted to add made it too long so I'll have to put that bit separately.

Thank you guys for reading, comments or voting!!💕💕

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My babies are back!😭

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