XIX|"Melody, I'm married."

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"Lauren, have you ever been in love?" I randomly ask, leaning against the counter, it was a quiet day, we've passed the rush hour, just waiting for the clock to strike 7, so can finally go home.

She furrows her brows at me, "Melody, I'm married."  Oh yeah...

I shrug, "that's doesn't really mean anything, people get married all the time, sometimes it's not even because of love,"

She shakes her head and smiles at me, "yeah I get you. But for my husband and I, as you know, are still very much in love," yeah I know, I had watched her fall for this guy since high school, they've been together for a while and even got married really early.

I met Lauren when I was a sophomore and she was a senior, we've been close since, even though she left to go college, but she was the one person that came back and stayed.

She tilts her head at me, "Is this about that James guy?" Oh no

I shake my head, "no...I mean I was curious, what does it exactly feel like, you know, love,"

She gives me sad smile, probably thinking about my loveless life, "it can be scary, your head is constantly filled with this person, you're always thinking about them and trying to be better, for them. Everything somehow revolves around that person,"

I grimace, "that sounds awful, where's the cheat code to remove this feeling?"

She laughs, "weirdly sometimes it just all happens unconsciously, you might not even realise your actions until someone points them out. But there are so many different types of love, it's not always romantic,"

I nod and dreamily day, "yeah, like my love for desserts,"

Lauren smiles and shakes her head at me, just as the bell on the door jingles, causing me to instantly turn around and gasp in shock, once my eyes fall on the person standing at the door.

"Hey Kid, you okay?" I hear Lauren ask,

It was the boy from before, but his face looked worse, there are fresh and new wounds on his face, I quickly walk around the counter, heading towards the boy.

I stopped a few steps away from him, "Is it okay if I approach you?" He looks up at me with teary eyes, his eyes darting behind me before nodding.

I step towards him, putting my hand on his shoulder, "come on, let's get you cleaned up," I lead him towards the corner sitting area, once his seated "I'll be right back," I say, heading to the back to grab the first aid kit.

I quickly make my way back to the hurt boy and take a seat beside him, I notice him nervously fiddling with his hands as his eyes dart downwards.

"I'm gonna start cleaning the wounds on your face," I say, taking out the wipes and bringing it up to his bloody cheeks.

After a while of silence, the kid speaks up, "are you not going to ask?"

At the same time Lauren drops a plate of cookies and hot chocolate, glancing down at me with a pitiful look in her eyes, she nods at me and walks back to the front.

Giving him a small smile, I pass some wipes to him, "I'm not going to push, you can tell me if you want or if you don't, but I would like to ask one thing," I wait for his confirmation before continuing, "are you safe at home?"

I notice the slight pause in his body language before he shrugs, "it's okay," I wasn't exactly happy with the answer, but I wasn't also sure on what to do. The kid obviously needs help, but I didn't wanna do something without making sure first.

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