VI| "I'm literally in prison,"

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"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I fake cried, "You were my favourite uncle,"

"I'm not even your uncle," Romero deadpans, staring at me blankly.

I continue, "you know, I don't have an uncle but I'm sure if I had one, I'd want them to be like you,"

Romero raises a brow at me, "no you wouldn't,"

I shake my head, "no I wouldn't,"

Romero rolls his eyes at me, finally an amused smile on his face, "you know, you're not actually bad, kid,"

I stopped my over-exaggerated pout and started at Romeo in awe, "awh, thank you, Romero, you're not actually too bad yourself if you look past the whole criminal thing, no offence," I quickly added. Romero smiles, I think this the first time I've actually seen him smile...

"You know, you should smile more," I comment, I really hope he didn't kill anyone.

His smile drops, "no, kid, I'm literally in prison,"

I shrug, "doesn't mean you can't smile, well never mind that, I got you a little something,"

Romero groans, "please don't be what I think it is," he prays

I frown at him, "don't tell me Cayden ruined the surprise,"

I flatten the paper out, "I drew you a little house, it's got a tree, garden and look I tried fitting a pool but it just looks like a mini sink..." I pointed.

I look up at Romero who stares at the paper with a look of remorse and sadness, my eyes widen and I gasp, covering the picture, "oh no, I'm so sorry, I honestly just wanted to give a drawing... Of a house... But it was supposed to be like a-a-"

I stopped stuttering when I noticed Romero's hand reach forward, pulling the drawing towards him and staring at it, he finally breaks the silence, "thanks kid, I like it,"

I sigh in relief, "phew, I thought I offended you, I mean I probably did, but like in a good way. What I mean to say is, I'm sorry please don't send your goons after me,"

In an instance, Romero's expression changes from that blankly cold-hearted man I was getting to someone who looks a lot more playful. He tuts at the picture and shakes his head, "I might still have to send my goons after you, just because of this drawing, what even is this, a tree or a cloud?"

I awkwardly laugh, "see what happened was I drew a cloud, then at the end when I went to draw the tree I thought it was part of it you know, kinda joined it then it just ended up being this giant tree..."

Romero looks like he's holding in a laugh as he shakes his head, "oh kid, I might actually miss you, you know,"

I give him a toothy grin, "me too, you know, I could still-"

Romero quickly shuts me up with this disapproving look, "no, no you can't,"

Looking down I frown, "Well you could always come visit me when you get out," or not...

He rolls his eyes at me, slowly starting to get up, "Alright, get out of here kid,"

I copy him as he stands up, making sure to pick the paper up and walking away, stopping to turn around and salutes me, with a little smile I copy his salute.

Later, Romeo Romero.



I don't even know why I got the cookies and roses, knowing full well that I wasn't allowed to take them in.

I felt kinda bad since this was going to be my last visit to Cayden, kinda felt like I was dumping him, so I thought why not give him a little treat. I should've just stuck to my drawings...

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