XIII|"You're a good person,"

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*not edited*


I walk downstairs to the sound of voices almost whispering, I stop behind the wall, making sure not to be seen.

"We haven't found him yet, his gone into hiding," I hear E say, who?

"What about the kid?" Cayden asks, his voice sounding very neutral, there's none of that soft or amusing tone he uses with me... Kid?

"Still the same, unknown," this time Nice says.

"You can come out now," I hear Coconut say, you can come out now?

Who can come out now?

I wait for them to continue, in hopes of getting more random information but all I get is silence, why are they quite?


I peek out from behind the wall, only to find them all turned towards the wall, Cayden was staring at me with a raised brow, I give him a sweet smile and come out from behind the wall, not really taking into account how over the edge he looked.

"You really shouldn't be eavesdrop on people's private conversation," E warns, but there really isn't any hostility to his tone.

I shrug, "it's my house," I walk around towards the couch, noticing a bunch of tools on the table, "what's all that?" I point.

Max quickly starts tidying up, while Smirks does what his name says, smirks and decides to be funny, "it's his flossing kit,"

"Ha ha. So anyway what were you guys talking about?" I try my luck, maybe they'll involve me in the gossip.

Obviously I got nothing, I watch as Max cleans the table up, something slipping out without being nosy, I walk towards the paper, bending down to pick the paper up, flipping it around in the process.

It was a picture of a middle-aged man, he looked a little familiar, especially the deep scar that went from under his eye to his jaw. Ouch.

"You dropped this," I hold it out for Max, still staring at the picture, trying to remember where I saw him.

"Thanks," I hear him say, while he takes the picture.

"I'm sure I saw him somewhere," I mumble, is he a customer? Maybe I saw him on a tv advert, oh the one with the toilet paper? No, a documentary-

"What?" Cayden suddenly says, that weirdly scary tone back, I snap my head towards him, he continues, "what did you say?"

I give him a confused look, repeating myself, "I just said he looked familiar, feel like I saw him somewhere, who is he anyway?"

Cayden stands up, walking towards me, standing in front of me, this determined look of his face, "when? Are you sure it's that guy?" He snatches the paper from Max's hand, pointing at the man, "was it him? Did he have a scar on his cheek? Melody, look at the picture! Was it this guy?"

"Cayden," Nice calls, but Cayden just shakes him off, still staring at me.

"I mean, I'm not sure but-" I try and say, avoiding eye contact at this point, what's wrong with him?

I finally look up at him, kinda wishing I didn't because then I wouldn't have seen that look of disappointment of his face as he shakes his head at me, "you're not sure? If you're not sure, why would you say that?" He turns around, walking out the room.

I stood there frozen, I wasn't really sure what just happened, I was confused. I looked around the room to find the others with expressionless faces as they looked away from me.

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