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"Don't you guys have school?" I ask the two boys that are currently just lounging on my couch.

"We do," Smirks shrugs, "but I think it's closed or something,"

I sigh, "You think?" walking around, I pick up the flyers from the table and roll them, smacking him across the head, "you think!"

He gaps and scratches his head, "ow! Since when did you become my mother," since I found out his younger than me.

Nice smiles and shakes his head, "schools closed for a few days, something happened,"

"Did you guys at least bring groceries?" I stare at E, raising a brow in question, ignoring Caydens amused stare.

Smirks points at the table, "we got pizza,"

I smack him with the flyers again, "that's not groceries!" Groaning I take a seat between Cayden and Smirks, "how have you guys survived this long?"

Nice shrugs, "we cook,"

I cringe, "Is it edible?"

Nice points to Cayden, "yeah, he usually cooks,"

I gasp turning to Cayden, "you never cook," I smack him with flyers, Cayden smiles, not bothering to dodge my hits,

"Okay let's take your choice of weapon away," He grabs my wrist, taking the roll of flyers of me.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I turn back around, "I'm surrounded by a gang, I'd like to defend myself,"

"Great choice of weapon," Smirks laughs, changing the channel, I narrow my eyes at him and lean back.

"Any news?" I hear Cayden ask E, my eyes stayed on the tv screen while still listening to what he had to say.

E nods, "We managed to get a few footages of him leaving the prison area but there are so many possibilities, we can't really go through all the cameras town,"

I turn to them, "did you check that corner shop, end of the road from the prison. It's really random and the guys a little weird but maybe he knows something,"

E furrows his brows at me, "what corner shop? There aren't any shops near the prison, the next shop is like 20 minutes drive,"


I shake my head, "I'm sure there was a shop literally 5 minutes down the road, I brought a snack from there once,"

Nice stares at me in confusion and shakes his head, "the only thing 5 minutes from there is a rundown garage or something, the shutters are always down and it looks like no ones used that in years,"

I shrug, "Hey I'm not crazy okay. Maybe that has something to do with this guy, what if he purposely put that up and has been hiding in plain sight all this time,"

E nods and takes his phone out, "I guess we'll take a closer look tomorrow,"

That's really weird, how does a whole shop just disappear? I clearly remember visiting once.

I turn towards Cayden, "Also, did you figure out what he meant by the whole 'you were always going to be here' and who lied?"

Cayden sighs, I look around the room to find all the guys staring at us in confusion, oops...

I quickly stand up, "Who wants cookies?!" I don't bother waiting for a response, as I turn around to leave the room.

I decide to pick out the cookies that were leftover from today out of the bag and onto a plate, making sure to take my sweet time.

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