V| "You're such a pervert,"

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*WARNING - not edited and probably a very shitty chapter*


"Hi," I smile at Cayden who sits down with a frown while muttering something about how he can't believe he agreed to this.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" He facepalms as he shakes his head at me.

I shrug, "I have no idea," my eyes scanning the room to find James's only to find him walking towards the corner of the room, reaching up to press a button on the AC, probably turning it off because the room currently felt like a freezer. It was still mid-February and the weather was still Cool, so I have no idea who thought turning the AC on was a good idea.

But see that wasn't what caught my attention, it was more the fact that when he reached up, his goddamn muscles...

"You're such a pervert," Cayden commented, leaning back in his seat, while intently staring at me.

I turn back to glare at him, "hey don't be rude, I'm just appreciating the art,"

He rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath, "pervert,"

Maybe I should ask him to turn it on, just so I can see that again...

I turn towards Cayden, "doesn't it feel a little too hot now,"

He narrows his eyes at me, "don't you dare,"

I give him an innocent smile, "Hmm maybe I should call James to turn it on, or just a little up,"

He stares at me, "don't,"

Leaving my smile on I turn towards James who was looking around the room until his eyes fall on my and his smile instantly pops up, Awh!

"I'm leaving," Cayden suddenly states, moving to get up but I quickly turn towards him,

"What? Don't, please ten more minutes," I plead, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

He sighs and shakes his head, "I don't know if I wanna stay here and turn into an ice lolly,"

I pout at him and furrow my brow at him, "fine I won't say anything," I sigh and slouch against my seat, "I'm bored. How do you time pass in prison?"

He gives me a blank face and rolls his eyes, "you have the attention span of a squirrel, you came to watch James so watch him,"

I pout at him, "why you gotta be so rude?" instead of responding he stares at me blankly and slowly blinks.

"So...did you like my drawings?" I asked, remembering the pile of paper I gave him my last visit.

His expression finally changes from a blank slate to a smirk, "yeah, everyone thought my 3-year-old sister drew it,"

I frown at him and fake cry, "my time and effort,"

He shakes his head and sighs, "so I'm done with this and this is how it's gonna work okay, you're gonna ask James to meet you somewhere and you're gonna stop visiting people in prison,"

I stare blankly at him, "why?"

He groans and facepalms, "you're seriously asking me why," I nod, actually curious as to why.

"Because what you're doing is dangerous," he says, his tone a warning.

"I know," I shrug, still blocking out the logically part of this whole idea, "but I promise, this is the last time or one of the last times,"

He raises a brow at me, "fine make this Friday your last visit,"

I stare at him shocked, "why? I mean sure I'll visit you on Friday but is there a reason," 

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