IX| "Complete stranger,"

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"Melody? Hey Mel?" Lauren called, snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh?" I stared at her confused, as she slowly took the castor sugar out of my hand, I look down at my bowl, the cupcake mixture now just a mountain of sugar. Oops...

I give Lauren an apologetic smile, "sorry..."

She returns a warm smile and turns around, coming back with a new bowl, "don't worry, it's okay and it's your day, so you're allowed to wander off into your little head, but maybe try and not waste ingredients,"

I narrow my eyes at her, don't know if I should be thankful or offended, "thank you...I think," shrugging, I pull the bowl forward and restart my cupcake mixture.

After a few hours, I was finally done with the cupcakes and put them into a little box, I also decide to just make the cupcakes with the ruined mixture, taking some sugar of from the top and I'm sure it wasn't going to taste that bad, putting them into a separate box, I wash up, grabbing my coat and the boxes, heading out.

"Alright Lauren, off I go into the world and you can lock up after you're done robbing the pantry," I wave at Lauren, who was cleaning up around the bakery,
she shakes her head at me, "bye Melody and be safe,"

The bakery isn't officially open today, I just had to come in and make cupcakes for a very special person, who was probably going to kill me for being late.

Oh sugar

I quickly got into my car, making sure to strap the goodies, oh and the cupcakes, driving to my destination.

Great now he's going to think I have no sense of time and nag about responsibility, great here we go again.

26th March 2013

"This is all your fault, if you would just act like a normal kid for once, I wouldn't be trying to sort out my relationship right now!"

But, I wasn't a normal kid, so I don't know why she was expecting me to act like one. Normal kid's parents don't leave them, normal kids have normal lives, but mines far from normal.

But I can't blame aunt Jemma, she got pulled into our mess when she has her own mess to sort and I wasn't making it any easier for you. I mean I'm trying...okay I'm not.

Releasing a big sigh, I waited to cross the street, the green walking man appeared, a blur of people pushed passed me while I stood there frozen.

Maybe if I just-

No, I can't...

But what was stopping me...? Nothing, no one, so why not?

I pulled up to the driveway, parking my car behind an old Jeep, he really needs to wash that...

Taking my seat belt off and grabbing the good box of the cupcakes, I got out of my car, walking straight to the front door and holding my hand up to knock, only for it to stay up as the door opens, oh oh.

"You're late,"

The beeping and the green lights flashed, I stared blankly ahead as people rushed to get to the other side safely. They probably lived normal lives.

I could hear the car engines getting ready to go, as the last person reached the other side, the flow of cars started again, back to their full speed.

There was a gap, the next car was still quite far, maybe I could... Taking a deep breath, I put my right foot forward and started walking forward, I had left the safety of the sidewalk and the car was now much closer.

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