XX|"I thought you left me,"

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"Peter! You came back," I cheer, smiling widely at the boy, his face looked a lot better, the wounds were slowly healing.

He smiles and waves, "yeah, I felt like I didn't really say thank you properly last time,"

I wave my hands at him, "don't worry, you did. Do you want anything?" I notice him reaching into his pocket, pulling out some change, "you don't have to pay, it's my treat,"

He looks up from counting his change, "no-no I should, you've given me-"

I cut him, "you really don't, now put that money back in your pocket and choose," he hesitantly does so, looking at the options.

"I'll just have a chocolate chip cupcake please," he points, as I go up to pick up his choice, he speaks up, "I wanted to ask, is it ok-ok if I sit here for a while?"

I nod, "Yeah sure kid, you can take that corner,"

The whole day, the kid was sat there, papers spread out on the table as it looked like he was doing his school work, I'd drop by and give him some treats and maybe even help with some questions.

The clock strikes 6 and we rushed to clean up the places, I was about to start packing the leftovers when Peter walked over, "you guys are closing, I should get going then, sorry if I was a bother..."

I shake my head at him, "you literally just sat there, don't see how you could've been a bother. Before you leave, you wanna pick something?"

I notice him tilt his head at one of the last cupcakes left, I had purposely left that one out, but if he wanted it, it's his, "do you want that one?"

His eyes widen as he shakes his head, "no-no, I was just looking at the name," The Experiment.

Unconsciously a fond smile makes way to my face, "yeah, it's actually new, made it today. Here you can try it," I open the box, dropping the cupcake in, "I can always make it again," Cayden will just have to wait till tomorrow.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod, holding the box for him to take.

He takes the box, "thank you, I'll see you then,"

Smiling at him, I wave "Sure kid, make sure you drop by,"



I announce my arrival home, only to be returned with silence, "Cayden?" I call out, looking around the kitchen, dropping the food on the counter.

"Cayden?!" I shout from the bottom of the stairs, waiting for a response, only to get silence again, no.

My heart was starting to beat faster as I ran up the stairs and into Cayden's room, the bed was neatly done and the smell of Cayden's aftershave still heavy in the room. I walk towards the closest, taking a deep breath and opening the door. Huh?

All his clothes are still here?

Confused, I go back downstairs and towards the back garden, looking through the glass door into the empty garden. Cayden?

I could feel this uncomfortable feeling slowly rising to my chest as I stood around the empty house, he can't.

"Cayden?" I called out again my voices breaking a little, I was hoping that maybe he fell asleep somewhere or... no, he can't.

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