Chapter 6. Conflict

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"Love hurts whether it's right or wrong"-"What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne

Narrarator POV
Ellie, Foster, Malcolm, Alex and Carver were driving back to the human colony.

Little did they know, a few apes were watching them on the way there.

Once they got to the Quarentine Zone, they stopped.

Dreyfus saw them pull up and walked to them.

"Did you find it?" Dreyfus asked.
"We need to talk." Malcolm said.
"What? What's wrong?" Dreyfus asked.
"The dam is pretty much intact. It could probably start generating power for us within a week. But there's a problem. Get in." Malcolm said and gestured for Dreyfus to get in. Dreyfus opened the door and got in the car. They then started heading off to the human colony.
"I shot him. I was scared. I didn't know what to do." Carver said.
"Jesus Christ. How many were there?" Dreyfus asked.
"A lot. Like, 80. At least." Malcolm said.
"Okay..." Dreyfus said.
"You're not hearing what he's saying. They spoke!" Carver said.
"That is not possible." Dreyfus said.
"They did and it was incredible." Malcolm said.
"Incredible? They're talking apes! With big ass spears!" Carver said.
"Please! I don't know exactly what you saw or heard.. But you have to calm down, okay? What about the virus, Ellie? Any chance of contagion?" Dreyfus asked, looking at Ellie.
"We're all genetically immune or we would've been dead a long time ago." Ellie said.
"You don't know that for sure." Carver said.
"She worked with the CDC. She knows." Malcolm said.
"I don't know. We need that power." Dreyfus said.
"He could've killed killed us, but he didn't." Malcolm said.
"Maybe he kept us alive, so they could follow us. They find out where we are, and they kill us all!" Carver said.
"What do you mean 'he'?" Dreyfus asked.
"That's what we're trying to tell you. It was unlike anything you've ever seen before and the leader.. He was remarkable." Malcolm said.
"Really? Is that what you thought?" Carver asked.
"It's what we all saw." Ellie said.
"Yeah. It's what we all saw." Malcolm said.
"Not a word of this back at the colony, you understand me? Not a word until we can figure out what to do." Dreyfus said.
"You gotta be kidding." Carver said.
"No. I'm not kidding. I don't want to create a panic." Dreyfus said.

And with that, the humans parked outside the tower and got out of the car and headed inside.
"How are you doing, pal? Are you okay?" Malcolm asked.
"I dropped my bag." Alex said.
"I know." Malcolm said.
"Was your sketchbook in there?" Ellie asked.
"It's gone." Alex said.
"Carver just told me we're not gonna tell anybody what happened up there." Foster said.
"Not yet, no." Malcolm said.

*Meanwhile at the Ape Colony*
'Must attack then now! Before they attack us!' Koba signed.
'We don't know how many there are. How many guns they have?' Maurice signed.
'Or why they came up here?' Another ape signed.
'They shot your son, Rocket! Don't you want to fight?' Koba signed.
'I follow Caesar.' Rocket signed.
Koba then looked in the direction to where Caesar was sitting.
"Koba's right!" Blue Eyes spoke. 'They almost killed you, Ash!' Blue Eyes signed.
There was a bit of chatter starting up between the apes.
"NO!" Caesar shouted.
Everyone got quiet.
'If we go to war... We could lose all we've built.' Caesar signed.
"Future." Caesar said, looking at some of the apes, then at Koba.
'I will decide by morning.' Caesar signed.
'And what about the girl?' Koba signed.
'I'll have an ape monitor her every time I'm away.' Caesar signed.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked that chapter! It's finally 2018! Woo! And also, I would've gotten this up yesterday but I was having troubles with Wattpad. But it's up now so yay!


649 words

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