Bonus Chapter: Meeting the Colnel

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Warning: Very minor language ahead, don't like then don't read. You have been warned!

Narrator POV
"What're you going to tell him when he arrives? Who knows what he's like?" Ellie asked Malcolm.
"I don't know... I'll try to convince him not to start a war with the apes." Malcolm said.
"But what if it backfires? He could kill the apes. Or worse." Ellie said.
"I'll try to think of something." Malcolm said.
Ellie was worried that if The Colnel of the military base was like Dreyfus, bad things can happen.
However, Malcolm thought differently. If he could convince The Colnel, then maybe there won't be a war.
"We just have to hope for the best." Malcolm said.
Ellie sighed but nodded anyways.
They saw Valentine walk in.
"He's here." Valentine said.
Malcolm nodded. "Tell him he can come in." He said.
Valentine nodded and let The Colnel in.
The Colnel walked in, he looked around the place with his eyes. He then looked at Malcolm.
"So, you had something to tell me?" The Colnel asked.
"Yes, it's about the apes." Malcolm said.
Carla walked in to see what was going on. She stood next to Valentine.
"What about them?" The Colnel asked.
"Listen. They don't want war. They'll only fight back if you intend to do so first." Malcolm said.
"And I want you to listen here. My job is to protect this country from and type of danger. And that's what I've been called here to do." The Colnel said.
"Yes, but hear me out. The leader, Caesar. He never wanted this war in the first place." Malcolm said.
The Colnel was getting annoyed with him.
"Listen to yourself! You're human, dammit! Why are you defending them when they attacked your kind?!" The Colnel asked, raising his voice slightly.
"Because. I've seen what they're like." Malcolm said.
The Colnel sighed. He pulled out a small gun. Alex, Ellie, and Malcolm backed up some.
"You know what happens to people that get on my nerves?" The Colnel asked, raising the gun.
Malcolm gulped, his heart racing and he was very fearful of what was about to happen.
The Colnel shot Ellie.
Ellie's eyes widened and she fell to tje ground, her life slowly draining out of her.
"That's what happens." The Colnel said.
"L-Look. I-I-I'm sorry! J-Just please. Try to hear me out!" Malcolm said.
Alex was by Ellie's side. But it was too late. She was dead. 
"I'm sorry but I can't let you live. You have dangerous ideas and I'm afraid I can't let that pass on." The Colnel said.
With that, he shot Malcolm and Alex and within seconds, they too, were dead.
The Colnel turned around to face Valentine and Carla. They both backed up.
"Now. Are you with me? Or against me?" The Colnel asked, cocking the gun.
"W-We're with you!" Carla said, not wanting to be shot.
The Colnel pointed the gun at Valentine.
"I'm with you as well." Valentine said.
The Colnel lowered the gun and locked it, putting it back in the place it belongs.
The Colnel picked up a walkie.
"I'm heading out. 2 more are with me. Over." He said.

With that, The Colnel, Carla, and Valentine walked out.

In came 2 new members of Alpha Omega.

A/N: Last chapter noooooo! But don't worry! An Author's Note will come next! Fear not, my dear readers! This isn't the end just yet so stay tuned!


582 words

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