Chapter 79. War.. Has.. Already... Begun...

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"I need your help to take him out."-"Goner" by Twenty One Pilots

Narrator POV
"War... Has already... Begun. Ape.. Started war. And human... Human will not forgive. You must go... Before fighting begins. I am sorry... My friend." Caesar said.
(AWWE! They're friends now ^D^)
"I thought we had a chance." Malcolm said.
"I did, too." Caesar said.
Caesar and Malcolm smiled a bit. Malcolm nodded.
Caesar put his hand on the back of Malcolm's neck. Malcolm looked at him, a bit confused.
They brought their heads together and stayed like that for a bit before pulling away.
Malcolm opened his eyes. Valentine smiled.

Caesar turned to rejoin with his family and fellow apes.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Only 1 more chapter left! Then Epilouge and Bonus Chapter as well as an Author's Note! Stay tuned!


144 words

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