Chapter 28. Tree House

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"She looks so perfect standing there"-"She Looks so Perfect" by 5 Seconds of Summer

                   Narrarator POV
     After meal time was done, the apes went back to whatever they were doing before.
     Carla got up and went back to her hut. She checked her bag once more.
     'I need to ask Caesar if I can go back to my tree house to fill up on supplies.' Carla thought.
     Carla put the strap of her backpack on her shoulder and went outside the hut and looked around for Caesar.
     Lucky enough, Caesar was there. She smiled and approached him.
     "Hi, Caesar." Carla said.
     "Hello." Caesar responded back.
     "How are you today?" Carla asked.
     "I am alright." Caesar said. Carla nodded.
     "What about you?" Caesar asked.
     "I'm good." Carla said and smiled.
     "Do you need something?" Caesar asked.
     "Yes, actually. I was wondering if I can go to my tree house to get some supplies." Carla said.
     "You may. I will send ape to go with you." Caesar said.
     Carla nodded. "Thanks!" She said.
     "When are you leaving?" Caesar asked.
     "Before sunset or so." Carla said.
     Caesar nodded. "My son will go with you." He said.
     "Alright. Thank you!" Carla said and smiled. She went back to her hut.
     Caesar headed back to his home. He felt like Carla has been the only person that has kept her promise so far. He huffed.
     'Humans never keep their promises.' He thought.
     Caesar looked around for Blue Eyes, his oldest son. Blue Eyes was watching their youngest son as he played.
     Caesar sat down next to Blue Eyes.
     'I thought you were still with those humans..'  Blue Eyes signed.
     'Son. Please let that go. Not all of what Koba says is true.' Caesar signed.
     'You do seem to hang out with them more than apes now.' Blue Eyes signed.
     'That's only because they came to me.'  Caesar signed.
     'Yeah. Sure. What do you want anyways?' Blue Eyes signed.
     'Carla wants to go to her tree house before sunset. I want you to go with her.' Caesar signed.
     'But father!' Blue Eyes signed.
     'No buts, son. You are going with her and that's final. Understand?' Caesar signed.
     'Yes, father...' Blue Eyes signed.
     'Why me?' Blue Eyes thought.

A/N: Hey guys! Spring break is in 2 days for me so I will be updating more during that week. Hope you like this chapter!


399 words

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