Luke x leia

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Yoitsme108: *inhuman screeching* *hops on the nope train and nopes all the way to nope city and learns the language of nope.*
NOPE NO NO incest is NOT best!!!!!!!!

Luke: Oh dear lord. The fans get weirder every year.

Leia: ok, I just wanna clarify that I had no clue he was my brother when I kissed him. I only did it to make Han jealous.

Luke: oh wow, I forgot about that. When Yoda told me that we were twins I wanted to bleach my lips.

Leia: ok, thats just rude.

Luke: you're. My. Sister.

Leia: ya I know but the kiss wasn't that bad.

Luke: ok stop. Just stop.

Yoitsme108: 😐😶👎🏻

Leias rating: -1000/10
Luke's rating: -infinity/10
Yoitsme108s rating EW/10


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