Obi-Wan x Jango

753 15 28

Just a quick shout out before I get to the ship. freedomgirl321 Elvenjediofnarnia17 Valen_2012 M_A_N_I_A_Queenie . You guys help me so much with confidence that I can achieve my future dreams! Thanks for all the comments and votes!🙏🏻❤️🤓🙌🏻 they make me smile!

Jango: afraid not mate. Obi-Wan is not my type.

Obi-Wan: well you're certainly not mine either.

Yoitsme108: guys no! You can't just shut it down this early.

Jango: ya we can

Yoitsme108: nuh uh.

Obi-Wan: *rolls his eyes*

Yoitsme108: can you guys please just flirt a little or something???

Jango: no.

Yoitsme108: *cries*

Obi-Wan: Sorry.

Yoitsme108: don't lie.

Obi-Wan: you're right. Now I'm really sorry.

Yoitsme108: ok. *sniffles*

Yoitsme108 rating: 6/10
Jangos rating: 0/10
Obi-Wan rating: 0/10


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