Finn x FN-2199(nines)

545 9 30

Suggested by the one and only Real_Luke_Skywalker

Yoitsme108: we got ourselves a beautifully stupid meme for this one. It's, it's great. Oh also, I hate this ship!!!

Nines: could never like a traitor.

Finn: shush!

Yoitsme108: nines! Don't trigger my poor smol Finn. He doesn't like that word.

Nines: I don't care.

Yoitsme108: how was getting blasted away by Chewies gun?

Nines: shushhh!!!!

Finn: I hate this ship. Why do you do this to me?

Yoitsme108: I would never hurt you smol! I love you too much. This was a suggestion!

Nines: get a room.

Yoitsme108: maybe we will! *jumps on Finns back*

Finn: no, we won't. *leans back and makes Yoitsme108 fall off*

Yoitsme108: *rubs butt in pain* have fun with nines. Brat.

Finn: you have problems.

Nines: just cause Finn doesn't want your desperate self, you shouldn't push him on me.

Yoitsme108: y r u soooo meeeean???

Finn: yah, that was a little over board.

Nines: whatever. Keep havin fun with your girlfriend.

Finn: shush!!!!!

Yoitsme108: I'm cool with that. He called me your girlfriend.

Finn: stop, just stop.

Nines rating: -2198/10
Finns rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 0/10


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