Obi-Wan x Sabe

932 13 34

Suggested by one of my favorite Wattpad peoples. freedomgirl321 🙏🏻❤️

Sabe: He is pretty cute.

Obi-Wan: *takes a very large and deep breath* Yoitsme108.

Yoitsme108: oh, call me lonely Jedi. *winks*

Obi-Wan: *cringes* lonely Jedi, *cringes some more* when will this end?

Yoitsme108: funny you say that! Anakin was just complaining about this!

Obi-Wan: why wouldn't he?!

Sabe: did you not just hear me?

Yoitsme108: oh I certainly heard. *runs up to Sabe* what your favorite part about master Kenobi. *looks dreamy*

Obi-Wan: ugh. Don't say my name like that. You're so strange.

Sabe: well he has cute hair.

Yoitsme108: that He does! Hear that Obi-Wan?! Otp!

Sabe: *laughs*

Obi-Wan: *curses under breath*

Obi-Wans rating: 1/10
Sabes rating: 3/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 10/10


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