Anakin x padme

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Yoitsme108: hhhmmmmmmmmm

Anakin: Umm, this is canon. Why are we doing this?

Yoitsme108: shut your mouth Palpatine lover! It's called react to ships. There was no canon rules being specified!

Anakin: whoa, calm down.

Padmè: why are you two freaking out?

Anakin: I'm totally calm.

Yoitsme108: yeah you are pretty calm for a guy that killed not just the men, but the woman and children too.

Anakin: why are you in freak mode? Like stop roasting me.

Yoitsme108: like that time you got roasted by lava, remember that? *coughs* Obi-Wan. *cough*

Padmè: ok lets just calm down. What is this all about.

Yoitsme108: oh yeah she's new. Anakin explain.

Anakin: *explains*

Padmè: *lightly smacks anakin* Ani, nobody is suppose to know about us. How did she find out?

Yoitsme108: I know everything about your lives. Also, you're lookin pretty pregnant and who else would you have children with??? I mean come on.

Padmè: I guess that's true, how come no one else has picked that up yet.

Anakin: good question.

Yoitsme108: oh whale. Anyway, what matters is that you guys are happy, now anyway.

Anakin: what's that suppose to mean?

Yoitsme108: no, wouldn't wanna spoil anything for you but Padmè dies.

Padmè: she scares me. *grabs anakin*

Anakin: it's fine, she scares everyone.....

Anakin rating: 10/10
Padmè rating: 10/10
Yoitsme108 rating: 20/10


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