Dooku x Sidious

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Yoitsme108: ship this like amazon prime same day shipping extra cost.

Sidious: too much. That was too much.

Dooku: Sidious and I are not on speaking terms right now. *folds arms like brat*

Yoitsme108: I bet it was because he told Anakin to kill you huh?

Dooku: yes! That's exactly what it is!

Yoitsme108: yep.

Sidious: oh get over it. I needed Anakin to join the dark side.

Yoitsme108: how did you do that so well by the way?

Sidious: I would laugh at all his jokes, even if they weren't funny.

Yoitsme108: Wow, you must have had to fake laugh a lot. Anakins not very funny.

Anakin fangirls: *shakin heads*

Yoitsme108: it's true.

Dooku: you two aren't funny either.

Yoitsme108: lay off. Hehe off..... like someone's head.

Sidious: *dies of laughter*

Dooku: Stop it!!!!!!

Yoitsme108: we don't want to. I will roast you enough to set fire to your ashes!

Dooku: Stop it.

Sidious: good good. This is too good.

Sidious rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108s rating: 10/10
Dooku rating: 0/10


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