Chapter 19: Why Couldn't I just Shut up ?

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Jason's POV.

Since I couldn't sleep normally I did my ritual of drinking a shit load of beers in the bath tub and sleeping there. Waking up with a hangover is not the business but being awaking to an ear crunching scream with a hangover is hell on earth. But this shit no human should ever awake to.

Hearing the ear pinching scream I lazily get up from the bathtub full off beers making them rattle, worsening my head ache. One the rustling stops it's replaced with an unidentifiable sob saying "Cole! Oh my gosh Cole!" coming from my room.

"Ain't nobody got time for this bull shit." I mumble.

Then it hits me like a sack of potatoes.

Valerie crashed in my room!

Running up the stairs and barging through the door of my room; I am greeting with an ever so fucking lovely sight.

Not the sarcasm.

It's Valerie... in my shirt... wrapped completely around Cole's body, sobbing his name.

"Jason what the fuck did you do?" Cole say, his tone almost challenging while he visible holds Valerie tighter. She goes quiet in a second.

"Nothing! I swear! Maybe I should ask what you two are doing before you ask me anything Cole!" I yells back. The fuck are you going to yell at me for. I'm not the one with a chick wrapped around me at god knows what time of the morning.

Noticeimg that his situation wasn't any better considering Valerie's in bra and underwear wrapped around his body with his hands right under her thigh and one on her waist.

"Don't." We hear Valerie say. We go silent while I watch as she lowers herself to the floor looking like a innocent child. Yeah fucking right. You are not innocent.

"I jump to conclusions. I'm sorry for waking you if I did. And Cole thanks but I need to ask some questions regarding last nigh to Jason. Feel free to stay if you wish." She says groggily.

Cole cross my arms and awake what she had to ask I assume.

"I don't believe in beating around the bush so I'm going to ask you up front. Did we fuck last night?" Valerie asks Me looking up from her feet through her lashes.

I heard the last part and started choking on the action she did. That was so adorable how she looked through her nice lashes, I must admit though, surprising. So I coughed.

And coughed.

And coughed.

For around a minute.

Or three...

"No Valerie. I did not do the deed with you." I says rubbing the back of his neck. Feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Then why am I wearing your shirt ?" She questions tugging on the bottom of it making it lift from the back. Valerie obviously couldn't tell but Cole was doing everything in his power not to look at Valerie's butt at the moment.

Lucky bitch.

"You ripped it off of me missy." I smirks. What? Did she not ?

"Don't try to turn this around on my you little fucker. I woke up in your house, on your bed, in your shirt. So now what !?" she yells.

"Okay what happened was that you got on smurf, danced with me, pulled my shirt off my body, and then crashed on my bed. So now what ?" I clenches. I don't respect assumptions.

"Okay then. I'll just be out of your way then. Turn around would you?" She says turning around. I turns as if on Q.

I hear shuffling in the back of me then a voice.

"Jason where's my clothes?" Valerie asks.

"In the restroom." I responds pointing the the direction of the restroom.

"Thanks. You guys can turn around when you hear the door close." She says hearing footsteps followed by a door closing.

I let out a sigh if relief and hear one to my side.

"God I wish she I turned around." I said sitting on the bed rubbing his face.

"Get over it." Cole smirk with an very rare blush on full display across his cheeks.

We laugh and hear a door opening afterwords.

"Cole. Could you take me home I needs to speak with you about... my... um... appointment in a couple of days." She says shuffling over her words.

"Appointment?!" I yells. I just see this chick around and now they have 'appointments'. The fuck is that ?

"Um... yeah." Cole say.

"About?" I inquire.

"Don't worry about it." Cole mumble bouncing on my heels.

"Oh. My. God." My eyes flow wide as can be and my mouth coved by his hand.

"You're pregnant." I smirks.

"What the fuck?" Valerie and Cole say at the same time.

"This explains everything. Thats why you bring her along now. You probably fucked her rotten didn't you Cole. You fucking disgust me. And as for you missy. That explains how fat you are and why you're gaining so much weigh this quickly and you still do drugs. There's a person inside of you, you selfish whore. You're a sad-" I'm cut off by a slap to Valerie's hand.


Very very much ow.

"First off, I'm not pregnant. Second, I was raised being taught that slapping was disrespectful. First time I do it actually. Doesn't feel to good, even though I did it." a single tear falls from her eyes and Cole stand behind her with a hand on her shoulder. She smiles at him and he return it. "Any respect I had for you is gone. You fucking disgust me Jason." And with that she walks out.

Cole couldn't even look at me in the eyes.

"Just to let you know. Valerie had an eating disorder a couple of years ago. This really bad thing called bulimia." Oh no. "I hope you're happy with what you just said because you just ripped open the worst scar you could have ripped open. Don't call me for the next couple if days because right now," he looks at me with such hate and disappointment that it burns to look , " I don't even think you're parents would tell you they love you." And with that he walk off.

What the hell just happened? I question to myself.

Relating the situation over an over in my head I realize.

I just lost my future best friend and my best friend.

All because I assumed.

Fuckin fuck fuck.

Once realization hits I hit the wall in my room making a dent I will soon have cover.

Why couldn't I just keep my big fat mouth shut?!


Hey hey beautiful 💁. So just wanted to say finally got a schedule going 😭😁😁👌✨. I will be uploading every 7-8 days 💁. Unless something comes up 💁. Hope you guys are liking it so far 😁💕.

Love you guys 😘,

Stay fabulous ☺️👋

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