Chapter 21 | Resilience

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Chapter 21 | Resilience

Minhyuk wrapped his own coat around Elkie because she left hers on the dining area. They sat together outside the yacht to gaze at the shining stars in the night sky. He pulled her closer, warming up her whole body. "Are you sure you're not cold?" she asked.

"Nah, I have a great heater." he said, smiling.

"Seriously! I can just go back for my coat."

He embraced her closer. "We only have little time before the yacht returns to the dock. Let's make the most of it."

"If you say so."

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Are you really alright?"

"Right now? I'm more than alright."

He grinned sheepishly. "I mean, your father..."

She took a deep breath. "I still need to talk to him, but once it's there, I guess I'll just have to face it. I and my father have been through a lot. I want to believe we will fix this. Do you think he will understand that what Ilhoon and I did was for his own good?"

"It might take time, but he would."

"Minhyuk, you never told me anything about your parents."

He took a deep breath. "My parents were both agents. They met on a mission. Same mission, different agencies. You can guess they left their companies to be togetherㅡbut mom told me it wasn't easy because the agencies had to make sure they won't be betrayed. My brother and I were trained on physical defenses since we were young. Our parents decided to have their own agency, but it didn't last. They died on a mission. We were orphans by a young age."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Minhyuk."

"It's alright. I always knew they died doing what they loved. I had let them go with peace, but my brother... I can't forget about him, Elkie. Every night, in my dreams when he shows up, I always feel like he's trying to tell me something but I don't get it."

"How was your brother like?"

"Brave. I think between the two of us, he inherited mom and dad's love for this job. I never liked the dangers so much. My brother kept training even after our parents passed away. Since I looked up to him so much, I decided to follow his path."

"What about now?"

"I still want to do thisㅡto remember my family."

Elkie kissed his cheek softly. "They would be proud of you."

"I hope they are."

For a moment they were quiet. The sound of the waves was their music. The sea sparked like crystal under the moonlight.



"We're almost back. How do you want to spend your last minutes in Sungjae's fancy yacht?"

She grinned. "Like this," she said and pulled him in for a kiss.


"WAKE UP, ELKIE!" Ilhoon nagged on the phone. Elkie tried her best to open her eyes but she was too sleepy.

"Morning." she greeted lazily.

"Aishㅡseriously! We have a scheduled training today. We have about three new staff. You have to help out here."



"Jeezㅡfine. Don't yell in my ears! I'll be there in a few minutes."

Secrets Untold: BTOB Minhyuk x CLC ElkieWhere stories live. Discover now