Chapter 22 (Final chapter) | What The Dream Says

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Chapter 22 (Final chapter) | What The Dream Says

"We need to act quick. We can't risk getting caught!" Minhyuk said, shooting the security camera with a silencer before following his brother to the building of MI6.

"I need you to distract the agents by the entrance and then I'll go in and get that necklace. You wait for me here no matter what." Jungmin said.

Minhyuk nodded immediately. "Got it."

He approached the guards by the entrance and knocked them out, dragging their bodies hidden behind the bushes as his brother went through the double doors.

Minhyuk injected a sleeping dose to the agents so they wouldn't wake up until they could leave the place.

Jungmin barely managed to hack into MI6's system and turned off the lasers that protected the necklace. He crucially made his way to the room where it had been stored, knocked off the agents by the door and as soon as he shot the glass container of the ruby necklace, the alarm of the whole building went off, calling out agents.

His brother, Minhyuk, came throughㅡshooting at every MI6 agent on his way. "Come on, hyung! Let's go!" he yelled and they ran off the building to their car.

As they approached, they spotted two MI6 agents by the car. It seemed like they were walking casually, having no idea of what was happening inside the building. Minhyuk and Jungmin walked past them and then hurried to the car.

Minhyuk decided to drive because his brother was more wounded than he was. Jungmin settled himself on the passenger's seat, holding the necklace in his hand.

When they've reached far enough from the building, Jungmin let out a breath of relief. "Woo! That was close!" he said grinning. "Minhyuk, are you alright?"

"Uh? Oh, yeah."

"You're not." he said, as always, knowing him so well. "We did the right thing, you know. Getting the necklace back."

"Yeah, but the necklace wasn't suppose to be in their hands, in the first place. It's my fault we risked our lives for it."

"Come on, aren't you glad we got it back?"

Minhyuk gave him a tight smile. "I am. I'm just worried about the consequence of this."

"Look, whatever happens, we will deal with it together. You're not going to take all the blame for this. I won't let you. We're partners for life, remember that, brother. But right now, we need to return the necklace."

Minhyuk smiled at his brother in comfort before he realized he had skipped the red light.

"Hey, you were suppose to follow the traffic lights, at least." Jungmin said.

Minhyuk's heart seemed like it had stopped beating. "Hyung," he called, hus voice trembling. "The breaks aren't working!"

"What? Try stepping on them harder!"

"I'm trying! But it's not stopping!"

"Oh my God, Minhyuk."

Minhyuk turned the car to the right, hoping for it to bump into a tree. "Secure your seatbelt!" he yelled at his brother. But it only made things worse. The car started to spin towards a place under construction. They hit the long, metal beams and Minhyuk thought that was the end but they fell to the cliff along with the metals. Everything happened so fast.

The next thing he knew, he was struggling to open the car's door under water and when he finally did, he screamed his brother's name but only bubbles came out of his mouth.

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