Truths revealed

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Authors note:
I know none of you knows who Pedro is as a photographic frame work so just so you would know the role is played by Nick Bateman isn't he HOT? I d' marry him but I am too young and he already has a wife I am no home wrecker. Any who Pedro is acted by Nick Bateman.

Pedro's POV
    "Why do you want to talk about my sister?" She asks stupefied, I roll my eyes inwardly, "I don't want to hurt her I won't dream of it I like her and I want to be with her but she has a troubled past troubling her present" wow I thought I didn't know the reason I was doing all this it didn't take me less than two minutes to find an answer I guess I needed someone else to ask the reason to know the answer. She purse her lips and stare at me as if studying me, "what?" I growl,she jumps. She recomposes herself and smile "if you really do like her fight for her" that's exactly what I will do then, "from who?"I ask, her smile drops and I felt her response will be more excruciating than swimming with hungry sharks " from herself" she answers,my brows furrows in confusion"from herself?" I ask to be sure, she remains silent and fiddles with her finger and close her eyes tightly like she is trying to forget a traumatic scene in a movie but I have a feeling what she is trying to forget is no movie but a reality"what do you mean from herself?" I growl, I don't mean to be inconsiderate but the earlier I know the truth, the earlier I can start helping her, "sh...she would kill me if she found out I told you so please help her without her knowing you know the truth...I don't know why but I feel you are good, scary but good I feel you will protect my sister" I think I like her she knows me, "tell me" I say more calmly. "Starting from wherever... She is good at fighting, underground fighting she was in a gang for four years she joined when she was thirteen we lived in Texas with my aunty Ariana has always been a rebellious child, when my parents died we moved to live with my aunty she was just eight and I was ten, my aunt and her husband died in a car accident which Ariana blamed herself for for years she was in the car that day she sat with my uncle who was driving and my aunt sat at the back she was fourteen then and very suicidal she pushed the break pedal while my uncle was still driving she loved them but she only thought of dieing at that moment so she didn't think of my aunt and uncle who were in the car she survived once again" once again? Ginger killed people? What happened? Why was she suicidal? I have lots of questions but I didn't utter any I want her to continue her tale she takes a deep breath "she was already in the gang when my aunt died she put half of her life  into it and the remaining into her education she was always the smart one in the both of us that's why she worked hard to get a degree I gave up, she got her first job when she was thirteen, she wanted to be a musician and pianist she used to write songs when my parents were still alive but after then she stopped till forever and it was her biggest dream she has a beautiful voice to top it all" she uses her thumb to wipe her tears "what happened to your parents?" I ask she stiffen I looked into her eyes to be able to read her she isn't good at hiding her emotions, she has pain, regret, fear, anger, and hope? Written all over her expression. "They were killed by a gang of men Ariana says they were five I was out with my friends that day, she was eight. She watched my parents die, and she was physically, emotionally and...and se...sexually abused by the men" did I hear right? "What?" I roar, she starts to cry "that's one of the reasons she joined that gang to find those men,to protect herself also from other sexual predators, you know when she was ten living with my aunt she was raped again by my aunts neibhour a nineteen year old college student as of that time he was arrested after Ariana told my aunty, that's one of the reason it would be of great difficulty for her to give you a chance she thinks you are like other men" she sighs sadly"... I shouldn't be telling you this though but she likes you prove to her you are not like other men I hope you are not and I have a feeling you are not" "I will make those despicable men pay. Who were they?" I ask through clenched teeth "who were who?" She asks confused "the men who raped her?" I growl, she flinch but starts to smile "you want find them, why?" She asks "why? Why? To make them pay for touching my Ginger" her eyes widen in horror "ooh God no" she says in fright, "what is it?" I growl, "did you ever call her Ginger to her face?" She asks, this girl is a total bimbo blonde, that has nothing to do with the situation"no what does that have to do with anything..." I trail off, she sighs in relief "well...that explains why you are still alive anyways I should have known" I glare at her for the fifteenth time today, this girl is dumb. "The men that raped her nicknamed her ginger cause of her hair color so she detest that nickname" ooh well that was an expedient info, "she wanted to dye her hair a different color but she swore to my aunt she won't and after her death she kept as a you know remembrance thingy" she shrugs, remembrance thingy? This girl is dumb. "Who were the men?" I ask again, she shakes her head "I don't know much only Ariana does I wasn't there that day I got back and found Ariana sprawled on the kitchen floor soaked in blood and my parents dead my dad was shot in the head and my mom was raped and shot in the stomach, Ariana gave that info months later though you see when I arrived and found them I was shattered, I cried, I called 911 soon enough and Ariana was taken to the hospital but we lost our parents she woke up three weeks later my aunty and I already packed up our things to go live with her in texas. But when she woke up she was not the Ariana we used to know that I used to know" she broke into tears, she inhale and exhale "she became quiet, bitter, distant she isolated herself from the world and she hated the world and herself, she started speaking four months after that incident and her words were 'mom and dad died' I didn't know what to do how to help her, she cried for days and she swore to seek revenge." I am dumb founded, I don't know what to say. What do I? There is nothing I can say in this situation. "So you don't know the men she never mentioned them?" Ariana has gone through a lot in her life, I can't believe it, she is a strong woman. "She did once, she said they wore masks but they had a tatoo of an ape on their shoulders maybe was their gang logo or something" she says I nodd I can use that as a clue luckily I have one of the best investigators in the world he can finally put his intelligence to game use. Ooh lord help my damsel go through this. Wow I am even praying this girl is doing a lot of things. Things happened so fast I didn't even see it coming. "Though Ariana is a total bitch and a pain in the ass you won't regret it if you get to know her"  did she say bitch? I glare at her "don't insult my cara (Spanish: darling) in my presence even if she is you sister okay?" "Okay" she says and smile warmly "thank you Mr Cruz for this and please help my sister love is a gradual process but you will both get there" she says"hmm" I humm in response. She stands on her feet," thank you for  lunch too, but I better get going call me if you need me Mr Cruz I d do anything for my sister but she called and told me she was g to the park first time after twelve years you are already helping that kiss helped i guess" she says and shake ad in amusement "she said she had a concussion" she says and laugh, she sighs"well good bye sire" she says and walk away. I sigh and relax on the chair
              "I will help you cara now that 
           I know the truth I will protect you from every thing,it is a promise I make to you today on this day"

Authors note:

Well the truth about Ariana's past is out I know its too early and all but the reason I made it this way is because its not the dramatic climax of the book the climax is coming soon though and I will tell you all when it is written . well now you understand Ariana's pain. I know Pedro should have found out through her but its more intriguing this way and  book is shorter by this means.

Question for this chapter:
What are your favourite subjects?
I love all subjects except maths and commerce. And I am good at  them.

Enjoy- - -

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