continuation of previous chap:

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Pedro's POV
        I finally summon the courage to call her
"Gin... I mean Miss Collins report to my office now"
I try to seem professional ,I almost called her Ginger. Fuck! This is bad.
"You are whipped man she has you wrapped around her little fingers"
Nelson says smirking.
"Shut up so you don't pay a staycation to hell"
I am starting to sweat profusely.
What are you doing to me Miss Collins?

Ariana's POV
            I am working on some files when the intercom comes on
"Gin... I mean Miss Collins report to my office now"
The familiar baritone voice says. He must be angry , I walked out on him but to be fair I hate to be asked questions I can't answer it irritates me. May be he wants to fire me if so I won't blame him but I really need the job so maybe I could beg... Nope! I am way too proud. YeH I admit I am proud so I will go there and let it happen.
Wait did he want to call me Ginger? He better not. I d' smack his face that's what 'they'  called me, I hate it when people call me that. I summon courage and walk out of my office. Wait where the hell is his office? I walk around for a while this place is big. I see a fair skinned, black haired, thin and good looking man he looks FAM... " Ben..." He turns around
He smiles, Ben is my sisters boy friend.
"You work here?" He asks
" yeah I just started today and I am lost I don't know my boss's office"
He smiles, I really wish I can smile back but I can't.
"Then what are you doing here?" He asks. I throw him a questioning look."I mean if you mean Mr Pedro then his office is in the top floor there are only two offices there his and that of his pa" he says
"I am his pa" he smiles
" yes" I say and purse my lips.
"Let's go" he says
" go where?" I ask
"I will lead you to his office"he says
"Well thanks but I can get it" I say to him turning around
"I am going to give him some paper work" he is fucking wasting my time
"Fine" I sigh in defeat.
We walk into the elevator talking about things mostly Vivian
"really?" He asks,
"yeah she loves them" I am telling him how much Vivian loves sea foods I hate them though I am allergic.
The elevator stops, the doors open and we walk out. We kept discussing he says really funny jokes and laughs I really wish I can laugh I might feel better all I can say is "that's pretty funny" I say tilting my head to his side."I know" he says between laughs his laugh echoing in the hall way that's just annoying. We finally get to the door I open it a little and he stops me
"Wait!"he says
"What?" I ask calmly glaring at him
He smiles sheepishly "nice to see you again Ana since I and Vivian broke up I hardly see you" what?
"You broke up?" I ask in soprise "yeah you didn't know?" "No I didn't "
"Well I only wanted to try to make you laugh but it didn't work so I give up" he says "wait that's why you came up?" I ask wide eyes"yes" he responds "wow you are something Ben but not now later okay? We will talk later we have a lot to talk about don't you think?" HD nods in response. "Fine see you later then" he walks away after giving those cute boyish grins. "Cute" I mutter under my breath I open the door .

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