I hate liars

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Ariana's POV
"Where are the men?" I ask suspiciously staring at Mr Pedro, I think I saw guilt in his eyes but it was either my imagination or he is hiding something "they just sent a text they won't be able to come today these incompetent men" he says angrily, shit and I left my phone in the car, the driver is gone and "my phone just died" he says smiling sheepishly, I roll my eyes in anger and frustration. This is bad! Like really really bad! I am stuck with the one person I won't ever want to be stuck with in my life. Okay think! Think Ariana! Aha i v' got it! I get up hastily, grab my pen and note pad, i brought to take notes during the meeting before and stare at my boss who is sitting like he got no problem at all in the world he probably doesn't "umm Mr Pedro maybe I should leave I will take a taxi" his eyes widen in panic but he morphs into care free attitude."no?" He asks tilting his head to the side, he is so damn handsome, I almost feel like drooling.
Snap out of it Ariana.
"What do you Mr Pedro mean no?" I snap, I have never been the cool headed or tempered one of I and Vivian. I loose my cool very easily and I won't care if its a God before or right now a Greek god. "I mean let's wait for a while the driver might be back" he says and shrug, I feel like whacking him hard across the face. "What drive? The same one you told to not be back for another four hours because you thought the meeting would take that long? This is pathetic" I huff angrily and start walking out when warm pair of arms wrap around my wrist I halt on my steps, I look down at my wrist and up at the god holding it, I pull my wrist out immediately, thank God there are no one in the restaurant he rented the whole place for the meeting. Which is just dumb. Rich people waste money a lot, they do not know how to spend it. "I really want to leave" I snap harshly. I feel weird bubbles in my stomach and the way he looks at me with adoration even when I insult him. Adoration? Stupid me he obviously just wants to get in my pants like other whores. "Please stay with me for lunch, you didn't have your lunch break and I brought you here please?" He gives me the cute eyes. What the heck? Free lunch at an expensive restaurant I am not gonna behave like some humble well behaved girl and refuse or attempt to pay and I will order a lot of food. I sigh and sit back down. "Waiter" he calls.

You would think having lunch with my boss would be weird, well wrong. Its beyond weird. Creepy and uncomfortable. Worse part? He has been trying to start a conversation with me I either answer curtly or ignore completely. "Umm what's your favourite colour?" Another really annoying question, I Dont Know why I feel obliged to answer "red" I answer looking around as we wait for desert, I couldn't say no I love cheese cake and he asked what I wanted. I am allergic to chocolate. He has also been telling me some jokes I find really dumb but he doesn't laugh its as if he wants me to laugh instead. "Green" he says, I surprisingly care, he grins and instantly a waiter comes in with the yummy cheese cake. "Here sir." He says, "should I bring the wine you ordered for the date?" The waiter asks, date? Something is wrong. I look towards Pedro and his eyes widen in fear, ookay? I am scared. "Get out" he growls glaring at the waiter who scurries off like he saw a ghost with five head naked. "Date?" I spit out like venom. "Dont mind him. Some dumb fool he is" he says dismissively,I glare at him so had if eyes could kill he d' be fifty feet's underground. "Date?" I ask again, something is definitely wrong. I know it. "I said don't mind him" he says frustratedly,I huff, "date?" I grit out in pure anger, I can literally see smokes coming out of my own ears, I clench my fist by my side angrily. "There was no business meeting" he breaths out frustratedly, he sighs, I heard wrongly right? Please tell me I did? Or someone will die, "what?" I growl, a permanent scowl etched on my face. He flinch like he expected it but it still shocked him. I jump on my feet, "I demand an explanation Mr Noriega" I say folding my arms, he sighs and raise his arm in surrender. "I tricked you so I can have an alone time with you, I know you wouldn't agree if I asked you out on a date so I had no choice but to deceive you but I honestly Dont regret it" he says with a smile. "I got to know you mor..." He didn't finish his sentence before my fist landed on his chin , I walk out. I hate lies. I hate it. I hate It. I hate it. "Ariana Ariana" I hear him call after me as I walk out. I suddenly turn around. "And ooh Mr Pedro? I quit my resignation letter will be in you office tommorow, I will also come get my phone" I finish and start walking again "I am sorry Red forgive me" his voice comes out weak and broken. I hate lies.

Pedro's POV
"...I will also come get my phone" she finishes angrily. Shit this is the second time I blow it. "I am sorry red forgive me" I say weakly all I wanted to do was make her smile. I broke the promise I made to myself and my red. Damn! Its all that waiters fault he will pay...severely.

Authors note
Well his promise wasn't fullfilled. Dont kill me its not their time yet soon though.

Question for this chapter;
Who is your favourite Disney cartoon character?
Mine is Milan. I love that warrior princess.

Dont forget to...
And share.


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