Rye imagine (not requested)

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Meeting his family
This is something to do with Christmas break and I'm sorry this is late✌️


This year you weren't going home for Christmas. You were gonna spend Christmas and new year with rye and his family. You had only ever met them over FaceTime, so they don't know what your like in person. With friends and family your normally hyper or all over place, messing around and playing jokes. But with people you've just met your quiet and shy, not really yourself.

You had just pulled up in a car outside his childhood home and rye looked over at you as you looked out of the window. "Don't be nervous babe." He said. "They'll love you, trust me." He finished. "I hope so." You said getting out of the car and rye following after you. He took you hand again and opened the door, welcomed by his barking dog. You leant down and stroked him and he soon went quiet.

You both walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, Robbie running out of the living room to give you both hugs. "I'm Robbie." He said. "I know. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you finally." You said. "I know." He said and you both laughed. Sean and Sammi came from their room with their toys. "Hi Y/N." they both said as you crouched down to their size and gave them hugs. "Come play with us." They said, so you followed them. You played until rye appeared at the door. "Hey guys." He said, and came and sat next to you on the floor. "See I told you they'd like you." He said. "Yeah I know but I haven't met your parents yet." You replied. "Have you met Robbie?" He asked. "Yeah." You said, looking at him. He kissed you slowly making the twins look up at you. "Ewwwww." They said, follows by giggling. "Come with me." Rye said.

You followed him through the house and down back into the kitchen, seeing Rye's parents sat around the table. "Hey Y/N." his mom said. "H-hey." You stuttered. "Just be yourself." Rye whispered and kissed your cheek, and you both went and sat down. "So your the girl that makes my boy happy?" His dad asked. "I guess, yeah." You said. "Liven up. Your nervous and we completely understand that. We're happy he's found someone like you." His mom chipped in. You smiled as his mom and dad came round and gave you hug. His dad walked out of the room along with rye leaving you with his mom. "So then." She said. "I guess we could catch up. How are you?" She said. "I'm good thanks what about about you?" You asked "I'm great thanks. It's nice to finally meet you. Now what about grandkids?" She questioned. "Well uh-um we've never really spoke about it." You replied. "Mom. No." Rye laughed.

I might do part 2. Comment below if I should⬇️💜

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