Andy imagine (not requested)

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After tour


Andy had been on tour for 3 months now. 2 months before he went on tour your daughter was bought into the world. She was still tiny. She had pink rosy cheeks, Andy's eyes, nose and was very smiley for her age.

The door to your house clicked open and closed, and footsteps were heard walking downstairs. Slowly walking down the stairs, cradling your baby in your arms you went over and gave Andy a hug. "Hey princess." He said taking the baby and holding her close. She let out soft cries, making Andy bounce her on his hip. "Hey baby it's ok." He said trying to calm her. He handed you her back and she instantly stopped crying. You saw the pain in Andy's eyes as he walked away. You placed the sleeping baby in her bouncer and went to say a proper hello to Andy.

"She hates me don't she?" He asked, as you approached him. "No no no Andy of course not. Why won't of you think that?" You asked. "She just does." He said. "I'm supposed to be her dad and all I do is make her cry. "It's okay. Her memory hasn't fully developed yet. She'll get know you." You said. He hugged you and kissed your forehead.


You heard faint cries from the babies room upstairs. You sighed "you go get her." Andy said. "No Andy. You go. Take her blanket and bring her down." He did as you said, slowly stretching out of his chair. He grabbed her blanket and jogged up the stairs.

He came back down carrying the baby shushing her every now and then. Soon she calmed down and stopped her crying. He pac d the room in front of you slowly looking down at her.

He stroked her rosy cheeks with his thumb. He looked down but what made him smile was the way she gripped onto his shirt. He put her down, lying her in her bouncer. He sat back down next to you and you rested your head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around you. "See I told you she loves you."

Andrew Robert Fowler if you ever have a wife and kids you best be this nice.😂 I need someone like Andy. The feels✨😂.

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