Brooklyn imagine (not requested)

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Your sister is a roadie and didn't know your dating brook🌼


Your POV
You were back home after staying with your boyfriend for a few weeks. He was in a band that lived away from home, and the guys loved having you over. You got along really well with them with was a bonus.

Your sister had been nagging you all damn day about your boyfriend: wanting to know who he was, where he was from, what he did, what his intentions with you were. All the stuff like that. You knew she was a fan of the band and so did your boyfriend, Brooklyn. The boys were also aware of who she was, as she went to multiple shows on most of the tours and sometimes it was you who took her. Sometimes she wondered why you were so casual with them or why you were so happy with them but nothing to serious crossed her mind, she just though you were used to it.

Little did she know you and brook had been dating for about 5 months now. It was hard keeping it from her you not knowing if she'd accept your relationship. It was obvious to you that she would with her always pointing put how you and brook looked cute together in m&g pictured. Keeping it of social media was the worst. The fans would occasionally notice things but nothing to big to give you guys away, or for y/s/n to notice.


A week or so had passed and you were up in your room getting on with some work while on the phone to brook. You had him on loud speaker loud enough for you to hear him at least. He was talking about the band and the upcoming tour and ep that they were dropping really soon. You knew instantly your sister would be all over that.

"I miss you babe" he said Down the phone the tone in his voice changing, kind of sad. You sighed and listen to him talk. "I miss you so much more babe, I promise I'll see you as soon as tours over. I know it's in a few months but time will fly by" you smiled and responded to him. You and brook were deep in conversation, and your sister was approaching your room. "Please. Come back soon babe I really wanna see you" he said and you smiled. "I miss your cuddles" he added and you giggled. "Oh brook babe don't worry like I'll be down there as soon as your free and you know that.

By now your sister was in your room keeping herself silent, but literally bursting with excitement inside. She heard your phone your phone call with brook, well most of it. "Well babe I gotta go i love you" you said. "Sleep tight babe get some rest I love you loads more" he smiles and you said your goodbyes, hanging up the phone. You locked your phone and put all your things away. You turned around and looked at your sister and sighed "come on then what did you hear" She looked up at you and smiled, squealing a little with happiness. "You and brook. As in brook from road trip" She said happiness in her voice. "No way. No. My sister is dating brook. He called you babe and said he loved you. Oh my gosh" You looked over at her and sighed knowing you guys had officially been caught out. You asked her to keep it quiet for a little, keeping it between just you and her. She agreed and was fine with it. She smiled skipping happily back to her room.

You picked you your phone and found Brooks number and text him.

You: babe we've been caught.
Brook💓: what do you mean, everything ok?
You: yea babe everything's fine. My sister heard us on the phone. She's well happy though.
Brook💓: good I'm glad she knows know more hiding you, I can finally show you off without having you worry x
You: awe babe I love you, it's lifted a weight off my chest x
Brook💓: yes it really has. Now go get your beauty sleep. I love you princess x
You: I love you so much more x

You smiled putting your phone away and getting into bed. You smiled and slowly fell to sleep.

Hey fwends!
It's been a while but hi hello wassup how are you guys. I enjoyed this chapter. If you do let me know and I'll update a lot more often. I'll take it slow though I've got some requests do go through but I'll get there. Part 2 to this may be? Let me know x

~e x

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