Chapter 14

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Derek's POV~

Well Sarah is extremely pissed off at me. I can't believe Gerit told her we don't know where Aiden is. She'll never forgive me, and with what's coming, she needs to.

Sarah's POV~

I don't even know what to think at the moment. A crazy person that almost killed me, is missing.

"Sarah, you need to get ready. We have visitors coming today," Brett said walking into my room.

"Wait, I thought I was a visitor?" I asked.

"Well you kinda are, but the people coming don't have any personal connection to any of us. With you, it's like family," he explained with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec," I said smiling back.

I got dressed in a flowy dress covered in flowers, and but on my ankle boots. I brushed my hair and did a simple braid.

When I got down to the living room, there were a bunch of people talking to Derek, Jackson, Sasha, Gerit, Brett, and Adam. I smiled at all of them when Jackson waved me to them.

"Sarah, I would like you to meet Tyler Wolf and his mate Claire, Tyler is the werewolf king and Claire the queen," Derek introduced.

"Hello," I said shyly. I didn't know these wolves, and they could easily kill me if they wanted to.

"Hello, I see your still human. Jackson, when are you planning on fixing that?" Tyler said.

I was shocked by what he said. Jackson was a vampire, and it was obvious I would become one, but I never really thought of it.

"Tyler! Shut the hell up, your scaring her," yelled at her mate. "I am so sorry Sarah. He's just really straight forward," she said giggling about something.

"Um, it's fine?" I said, well more like asked. They were both just weird.

"Tyler, can you back off just a little bit, she's still new to all this," Jackson explained.

"Sorry Jackson, I know it must be hard," Tyler said.

"Know we must discuss the reason you're here," Derek said getting serious. "I know you two have heard of the prophecy, but Sarah hasn't so we must tell her," then he continued,

"Fire, claws, and poison

unite as one

to defeat the evil

that has been done

The princesses must march

into the raging war

to slaughter the enemy

Then peace will reign

Forever more" he finished.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"Well, Claire over there," Tyler said while pointing to his mate, " is Princess Claws, and Derek's mate, whoever she may be, will be Princess Fire, and we have a sneaking suspicion that you will be Princess Poison, once you've turned of course," Tyler finished while giving Jackson a pointed look.

"Okay, when do I need to be turned?" I asked. I don't want to turn, but if I need to so I can save the world or whatever it is I need to save, then I'll do it.

"Well, we were hoping you had already been turned," Claire explained.

"Well shit," I replied.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I just needed to have everything explained to Sarah.

Omg people! Tyler and Claire are back! Who missed them?


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