Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV~

"Yes Sar, queen. You unfortunately are mated to this blood sucking monster, the king of vampires." She said nonchalantly.

"What the hell?" I asked, slightly dazed.

"It's true Sarah. I didn't want to tell you like this, but I guess some mutts can't keep their snouts out of other peoples business." Jackson explained while glaring at Emily.

"Okay guys, you were supposed to ease her into the pool, not throw her in the deep end with cement on her feet." Sasha spoke up.

I had honestly forgotten she was there, and how does she know what's going on, she looked just as confused as me.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Well as the 'only' two supernatural creatures in her life, you had one damn job, and it was to explain this world to her in the nicest, slowest, easiest way possible." Sasha huffed.

"How the hell do you know about the supernatural? You smell human." Jackson questioned while sniffing the air.

"How many damn supernaturals do you know who can mask their scents? Apparently not you two. Emily, since the day you moved in here, the whole damn house has smelled like wet dog, I literally lose sleep at night because of it." Sasha ranted. While she was talking, Emily had started to sniff her self and Jackson had his signature smirk.

"And you!" Sasha shouted pointing at Jack "You reek of death, like damn, how many people did you kill on your way over here? Good god, you both need to shower, go shower up stairs and I'll explain everything to Sarah." Sasha finished.

Once Emily and Jackson had both gone to shower, Sasha sat down on the couch and started to tell me about the world of the supernatural.

"So it's fairly simple, werewolves have packs, and in these packs you have an alpha beta and gamma, or leader, second in command, and third in command. The werewolves have a Werewolf King, his name is Tyler Wolf. He recently found his mate Claire. They are in charge of all the werewolves, and all the half human half animal creatures, such as mermaids and centaurs, but the king is still under control by the demons, but we'll get back to that. After the Werewolf King in the chain of command, is the vampires. The vampires have cults that have one leader, but all the cults are under the control of the Vampire King, Jackson. He only controls the vampires because there are so many and they rarely die. After Vampires comes the Demons. The King of Demons and all supernatural creatures, Derek Scorch, still has yet to find his mate. That's the basics, any questions?" Sasha finishes.

Of course I had questions.

"What are you? What's a mate? What do you mean Jackson's a king? Why does Emily hate Jackson so much? Does-" Emily cut me off before I could ask the last question.

"Slow down there tiger. One question at a time please."

"What are you?" I asked slower.

"That is a really complex question, but I'll do my best. I'm what most call a guardian, basically I guard whatever or whoever my court needs. I'm a demon guardian, no that doesn't mean I'm a demon. Every guardian is given a court at birth they must serve, Demon, Vampire, or Werewolf. They decide by putting the baby guardian in front of three bowls, one with fire, one with blood, and one with wolf fur, which ever one the baby is drawn to, is their new court. Once they have decided, they get their true form. They receive their guardian mark and the mark of their court, as well as different colored skin and hair." She explained.

"Oh, wow... What color hair and skin do you have?" I asked.

"Well, in my true form, I look just like I do now except my skin is pitch black and my hair is fire orange, and I have blazing tattoos on my arms." Sasha elaborated.

Then heavy foot steps came from the stairs as Jack appeared "Sarah, we need to talk."

Hey guys!

So sorry it took so long to get this chapter up.

In the next update, hopefully I have pictures of Sasha's tattoos.



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