Chapter 17

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Sarah's POV~

"Don't worry?!?! He's in a coma Derek! How am I supposed to be ok with that?" I screamed at Derek.

"Sarah, calm down. I know this is hard for you, but I really need you to calm down," He said softly.

"I can't calm down Derek! He's my mate, I can't lose him." I broke down half way through my response.

"Come here," Derek said with open arms. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" I whispered.

"I have faith in Jackson, he would never do that to you. He would fight with everything he has to get back to you." He said with absolute confidence.


"Hey Jack," I said quietly. I was now in Jackson's hospital room, holding his hand, waiting for him to wake up.

Can you believe that this castle has a hospital wing in it? Oh who am I kidding? It's a castle.

"I really need you to wake up. I don't know how to do this whole vampire thing, I need your help," I pleaded to his sleeping form.

"Sarah, you need to eat something," Adam said.

"I'm not hungry."

"I don't think I asked if you were hungry, I said you need to eat something," Adam clarified.

"Adam! I'm not hungry, I'm not eating anything. I think it would just make me sick at this point." I snapped at him. He just stared at me for a second before retreating out of the room.

About five minutes later Adam came back into the room with something in his hand. "Adam? What are you doing?" I asked a little nervous.

"I am so so sorry Sar, but it's for your own good," He said before he stuck a needle into my neck. It hit a couple millimeters away from where Jackson bite me.

"What the hell?"

Then all I saw was black.


Adam's POV~

After I knocked Sarah out, I picked her up and took her back to her room. I felt awful about this, but she needs to feed or she'll die.

I hooked her up to an IV in her room and then walked out. She's gonna kill me when she wakes up, but at least she'll be alive.

I walked out of her room and bumped right into Matt. "Oh- Hey Matt," I said nervously.

he just chuckled and said, "Hey Adam. What were you doing in my sister's room?"

"Umm, n-nothing," Damn it! Why did I stutter?!

"Oh that was very convincing," He said nodding his head.

"Look, I had to knock her out and hook her up to an IV, because she wouldn't eat," I explained.

"You really do want to protect her, huh?" He asked.

"I vowed nothing would ever happen to her again, and I plan on sticking to my word," I admitted.

Matt said nothing, just nodded his head. Then he walked away.

If you couldn't tell, Matt is my mate. Oh shocker! I'm gay. I can't tell if he knows or not. I mean, he did attack me when he saw me a couple days ago. I've known since that summer when we met, but he was just human, and very straight, so I didn't say anything. Now that he's a vampire, I don't know if he can tell.

I stood in place for a few minutes thinking about Matt. I saw movement at the end of the hall and looked up. Matt was walking back towards me. "Ok look Adam, I know you're my mate. At first I was confused because I didn't know I was gay. Then I was mad because of what happened with Sarah, but I don't think I can- I need- the thing is- Fuck it." Then he kissed me.


Sarah's POV~

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked to my left and saw an IV in my arm. I scanned the room and realized it was mine. Adam- That little SOB.

I got up and took the IV out, I needed to get back to Jackson, but when I opened up the door, I saw Adam pushed up against the wall being kissed by my brother.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is happening to the world lately?" I asked. They both stopped and snapped their heads in my direction.

"Oh-Um, Sarah..." Adam started, "We um- It's not-"

"Sarah," Matt said, cutting Adam off, "Adam is my mate,"

I just stood there staring at them. Adam looked completely shocked, I guess he never thought Matt would own up to it.

"HELL YES!!!! Derek owes my twenty bucks!" I yelled, fist pumping the air. "Derek! Get your demonic ass down here!" I shouted. Derek was there in seconds.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, looking for any sign of danger.

"Pay up! They were mates!" I said right in his face.

"Damn it," He said under his breath.

"Wait, you two bet on us?!" Adam said looking pissed.

"Oh, get over yourself, we bet on a lot of people. First time they actually ended up being mates though," I explained. Matt just shook his head and smiled. "Now Adam, are you ready to die?" I asked completely serious.

"Fuck" was all I heard before he took off running, but with my new vampire speed, I caught him in seconds. Then I punched him.

There was a growl, before I was ripped off of Adam and thrown at the wall. It didn't hurt, but it was an annoying. "What the fuck Matt?" I yelled.

"You punched my mate! What did you think I was gonna do?" He said back.

"Your mate is a fucking demon, pretty sure he can take a punch from a girl," I replied. As soon as I had finished talking, Gerit ran in to the hall way and said the best words I had ever heard, "He's awake."

Hey guys! Much longer chapter this time.

People, Adam is Matt's mate! I didn't even see this coming.


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