Date with Jack Avery

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I woke up to my phone dinging to tell me Mop Head needs me. Liv: babe I need to go, what time is our date and what should I wear? Jack: 6 and wear something casual. Liv: ok see you then! Bye boo😘 Jack: bye bae😘

I gets my stuff, goes to my Jeep and drive home. When I get there I go to my room and it is 2 already Liv: shit shit shit I need help! Lydia: did someone call for help? Liv: omg yes I need help with hair, outfit, and makeup for a date with Jack Avery, he said to dress casual. Lydia: ok I got this. She went to my closet and picked out this outfit

And I love it Liv: lydia I was thinking about dying my hair silverish purple and cut short what do you think? Lydia: I think it would look great! Liv: ok lets go! Lydia:ok

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And I love it Liv: lydia I was thinking about dying my hair silverish purple and cut short what do you think? Lydia: I think it would look great! Liv: ok lets go! Lydia:ok. My hair turns out like this

I call Jack on the way home to finish getting ready

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I call Jack on the way home to finish getting ready. Liv: Jack is it ok if I stay at you house tonight. I have a feeling Logan will not let me in the house after what I just did. Jack: ya it's fine! What did you do? Are you ok? Liv: I'm fine you will see what I did tonight! Bye boo😘 Jack: 😘bye babe

We walk in the house and I pack a bag of some of my things for tonight and do my makeup

Logan: (walks in to my room) WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR!?!?! Liv: I changed it, why? Lo: Mom is going to kill me ugh? ( and he walks out) Jack arrives Jack: WOW your hair looks bomb! Liv: Thanks boo! Jack: are you ready to leave? Liv: Ya! Jack: ...

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Logan: (walks in to my room) WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR!?!?! Liv: I changed it, why? Lo: Mom is going to kill me ugh? ( and he walks out) Jack arrives Jack: WOW your hair looks bomb! Liv: Thanks boo! Jack: are you ready to leave? Liv: Ya! Jack: ok let's go and the boys aren't going to be home tonight😉😏 Liv: oh good😏😉 Where are we going? Jack: my house I set up a little movie theater in the basement. Liv: awww Cute boo. Are you thinking Netflix and chill 😏? Jack: only if you are.😏 Liv: I am 😉😏 Jack put his hand on my thigh, high on my thigh. Jack: what should we watch? Liv: I think stranger things, it's a good show! Jack:ok

We get there, go down stairs, and start watching Stranger Things. In the middle of the second episode Jack puts his hand on my thigh really high, I'm already horny so I kiss him. It turns in to making out and next thing you know our shirts are off and he is giving me hickeys. And you know what happens.... we go to bed

I Fell In Love With Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now