Baby Shower Day!

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Liv P.O.V
Today is the baby shower! I woke up and got ready.


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We take a bunch of picture and just have fun at the shower

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We take a bunch of picture and just have fun at the shower. We got a lot of thing for the babies like
•baby bottles
•car seats
• a twin stroller
• a Gucci diaper bag (from Jake and Erika)
• changing table
• diaper cake thing
And more it was great...... then we went to the house and stuff happened....
Jack was in the shower and his phone went off...
Lily🍑- last night was fun🍆🍑🤤🤫😘
I was in tears, but that is too much stress for the baby's I took it upon myself to do what is right. I called Erika...
Erika- Hey what's up?
Liv-Jack cheated on me and I need somewhere to stay.
Erika- Oh my god you can stay with Lo and I for now I will get you a plane ticket. We leave tomorrow! I'll be there in five to help you pack.
Liv- Ok thanks...
I started packing I told his mom and sister everything that was going on then Rik got here. We put my stuff and the baby stuff in the rental car and left. I was bawling 😭 my heart was in pieces!
Erika- Baby it's ok we will help you!
Liv- Thank you so much Erika I love you like a sister!
Erika- I love you too!
I texted the one person who could really help...... Cameron Sutton
Liv- Herro I'm coming back to L.A can we work stuff out? I need you right now.
Cam- Aren't you with that Jack kid...
Liv- He cheated on me 😭
Cam- oh my god I'm so sorry Livy when do you get back we can meet up
Liv- tomorrow afternoon around two I'm staying at the team ten house so I will see you there..
Cam- ok I'm sorry for everything Livy...
Liv- it's ok Cammy🙂

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