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Jack and I decided that we were going to leave right after the wedding. We stopped at Logan's to get our stuff and change.

 We stopped at Logan's to get our stuff and change

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We said goodbye to the babies and went to the airport

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We said goodbye to the babies and went to the airport. When we got there the paparazzi were there so we answered a few questions and showed them my ring and that was it. Our honeymoon was amazing we had a week without the babies. We went to the beach everyday and partied a lot. I did a video about what is was like to be 17 and pregnant.
Hi, my Pretty little Livys! I know you guys have been requesting this for awhile so drum roll please........ I'm telling my 17 and pregnant story! The story is going to be my view but special guest Jack Avery, my wonderful husband will sit here and look handsome! So I'm going to start went I met Jack! It was the day after my 16th birthday and Logan asked me to move in with him. I had just broke up with my them boyfriend , Cameron Sutton, I was heart broken. Logan wanted me to meet the Why Don't We Boys so we went to their house. Jack and I kept flirting all day. We were the only people in the living room and he made a bold move he asked me on a date. We had the date at his house and we ended up having sex. After a week or two I was getting sick every good morning. I asked Lydia what to do and she said that I could be pregnant and should go to the doctor. I talked to Jack and we decided that if I was pregnant we would move in with his parents in Pennsylvania because I thought Logan would be mad and I couldn't tell him. We went to Pennsylvania and Jake knew were I was so we had a baby shower after the shower I went on Jack's phone and found him cheating on me. I left and went back to L.A I lived with Jake for like a week but we argue a lot so it didn't work but I went into labor and i told Jack's mom and she got him on a plane out here. I forgave him and here we are now! So thanks Pretty Little Livys for watching today's video! Please like and subscribe! And I'll see you next time byyyyeeeee!!!

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