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Liv's P.O.V
I went home to Logan but I forgot about the hickeys on my neck. Jack helped me carry the twins to their room and put them to bed but after that Logan found me. He saw the hickeys and flipped.

 He started screaming and crap all while jack was in the other room with the girls

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He started screaming and crap all while jack was in the other room with the girls. Logan got so mad he slapped me on the cheek. I screamed Jack came running out. He was mad at Logan really mad. He told me to go in the room with the girls so I did but I called Jake to help me. He said he was rushing over. When he got here I already had pulled Jack into the twins room and he was comforting me, but Logan was banging on the door. All of a sudden it stopped Jake said he was calming Logan down and that I should stay with jack or someone for the night I decided to stay at Jack's so we got me clothes and the babie things and left.


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I'm fine... I promise😢
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We got in the car and I fell asleep the last thing I remember is Jack getting in bed and saying good night. I woke up in his arms and it was nice

 I woke up in his arms and it was nice

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      I felt so happy at that moment.. Jack woke up.
Jack: Good morning baby
Liv: Morning noodles
Jack: The boys are watching the twins so we have the day to ourselves.
Liv: Great maybe we can go to the Grove and shop?
Jack: Anything for you!
Liv: Let me get ready

 Liv: Great maybe we can go to the Grove and shop? Jack: Anything for you! Liv: Let me get readyOutfit:

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Hair and makeup:

 I got my hair changed a few days ago back to silverish blonde

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I got my hair changed a few days ago back to silverish blonde. We go to the Grove and just walk around, talk and laugh. It was a lot of fun. Jack and I talked about where I was going to be living. We decided that I would stay with him for now. I loved the idea because never spend time with the guys and I have an idea for a song so we can go to the studio together. The rest of the day was spent at the house with the twins and the boys. In a few weeks it's my 18th birthday! We spent sometime planning that even tho Lissa and I have been planning since last month. I know what I want it to be like. The theme is black and gold masquerade. I'm so excited to be 18! I know I have a party to plan but tomorrow Alissa and I leave for the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. Both of us are in it and are excited. Our plane leave in four hours and I'm not packed! I go run to pack my stuff I will be gone for two days and the boys will be watching the twins while I'm gone. I go back downstairs after packing and everything to spend time with the boys and twins before I leave. After we watch a movie and talk I realize I need to change and leave, I run upstairs to change and jack follows. He sits on the bed while I change into this

 I go to leave the room and he pull me on to the bed kissing me

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I go to leave the room and he pull me on to the bed kissing me. We kiss for a few Minutes then I really need to leave. I say goodbye to everyone and call on Uber. I got to the airport ever Lissa is waiting. We get on the plane and go, I'm not happy about going away but I this is my job I'm a model/ singer.

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