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Liv's P.O.V
I wake up in pain and my bad is wet... MY WATER BROKE!!! I yell for Logan
Liv: LOGAN, Lydia!!!
Logan: ARE YOU OK!
Liv: MY WATER BROKE! Someone needs to get the bag and someone needs to get me to the car!
Logan/Lydia: Ok!
Lydia got the baby bag and Logan got me in the car and to the hospital we went! I sent out a message to everyone that I was in labor and Alissa said she was on her way with Sommer and WDW boys minus Jack would come later after practice. Everyone said they would come later when I wanted visitors.
We got to the hospital and after five seconds I was in a room with Lydia, Alissa and Sommer waiting for the babies. I was contemplating wether to tell Jack or his family and decided to tell his sisters and mom, they said they would like to be in the babies lives and I said that would be great and we talked about Jack. They said he hasn't left the house since I felt and I told them to get him on a fight out here now, that I wanted him in his children's lives. His mom said she got him a ticket in an hour, he would be there tomorrow. Twenty minutes later Luna Grace Alissa Paul and Rose Faith Sommer Paul arrived and Logan came in with Banks and Rice. Everyone was happy I posted on instagram

Welcome Luna Grace Alissa Paul and Rose Faith Sommer Paul! Alissa: love my goddaughter Luna!❤️😘😍 SommerRay: Love my goddaughter Rose too 😘❤️  LoganPaul: Uncle Logan loves you both😘😍❤️ Banks: So does Uncle Banks RiceGum: So does Uncle Rice, I ...

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Welcome Luna Grace Alissa Paul and Rose Faith Sommer Paul!
Alissa: love my goddaughter Luna!❤️😘😍
SommerRay: Love my goddaughter Rose too 😘❤️
LoganPaul: Uncle Logan loves you both😘😍❤️
Banks: So does Uncle Banks
RiceGum: So does Uncle Rice, I got you a present already!
Everyone commented good thing and I was so happy! The WDW boys got here and took turns holding Luna and Grace.
Liv: Guys I need to talk to all of you...
Everyone: what is wrong?
Liv: I talked to Jack's mom and she said he has been in his room since I left and I felt bad and so does he so he is coming out here and we are going to talk things out... I don't care what you guys say my children need a father!
*as I say that he walks in and I signal for everyone to leave, they put the babies in the bassinets and walk out*
Liv: Hi Jack...
Jack: Liv I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight and  I don't expect you to forgive me but I wanted to try...
Liv: Jack I forgive you OUR kids need a father
Both of us where crying now and hugging
Liv: Do you want to hold one of them?
Jack: I don't want to hurt them..
Liv: I will help you, come sit on my bed
He sat down and I taught him how to hold the Rose while I held Luna and I texted everyone to come back in but apparently they all left!
Liv: looks like it's just us for now
Jack: do you want me to stay with you tonight?
Liv: Yes please I don't want to be alone with the babies.
We talked all night about everything, at one point we both got a notification from Logan's YouTube channel and it was the distrack!
Liv: don't watch that!
Jack: why?
Liv: I said some stuff because I was mad and I don't mean anything I said about you but I mean everything I said about everyone else..
Jack: I will watch it but ignore what you said about me, ok?
Liv: ok
We watched it and laughed
Liv: You need to pick two godfathers for the babies Luna's godmother is Alissa and Rose's is Sommer
Jack: What about Daniel and Corbyn?
Liv: That would be great!
We talk the rest of the night except when the babies wake up crying then we comfort them


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