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We finally get to Jack's house  (more like mansion) and his parents and sisters are there to meet us! We get out of my cars and he hugs his family. 

Mrs Stanford( Jack's mom): Hi dear! You must be Olive! You are call me Kristin!

Liv: Hi, thanks for letting me stay here!

Kristin: No problem

Isla: Hi! I'm Isla, Jack's favorite sister! I'm a big fan of you YouTube videos!

Liv: Well thank you Isla! I think we will get alone great!! * we hug

Ava: Hi I'm Ava, Jack's little sister! I think we will get alone great because we are the same age!

Liv: Hi! Omg we should go shopping together!

Ava: yaaaasssss!! *they hug

Sydney: hi I'm  Sydney!

Liv: Hi * they hug

Jack and Liv take there stuff inside and this is their room.

Jack and Liv take there stuff inside and this is their room

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They put all their stuff away and get ready for bedJack: Looks like you get along with my sisters!Liv: They are great! Ave, Syd, and I are going shopping tomorrow, and I thing I'm going to vlog

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They put all their stuff away and get ready for bed
Jack: Looks like you get along with my sisters!
Liv: They are great! Ave, Syd, and I are going shopping tomorrow, and I thing I'm going to vlog...
Jack: Oh my god! Do it! Just make it look like you are pregnant yet. We can make a video about it!
Liv: good idea!
*Liv's phone rings playing "it's everyday bro"...
Liv: it's Jake...
Jack: answer it
Liv: ok... * she answers hey bro!
Jake: (doesn't know anything happened) hey sista I went to Logan's and your stuff wasn't there, where are you?
Liv: ok so we will start like this... you know I'm dating Jack Avery right?..
Jake: ya he is a cool kid.
Liv: so I'm with him in Pennsylvania...and pregnant...
Jake: what! omg does Logan know?!
Liv: yes he just doesn't know where I am, because I don't want him to come get me. You have to promise you won't tell him. I trust you Jake, please?
Jake: ok I won't... I'm going home in four months can I come see you then?
Liv: sure Jake! That would be wonderful! We will be finding out the gender then, so we can have a baby shower!
Jake: ok! Can I bring Erika?
Liv: sure she is my sister-in-law after all, I love her! Im gonna go get some sleep, tell team ten I miss them! Love you bye!
Jake: Love you too, Bye!
*off the phone*
Jack: what did he say?
Liv: He just wanted to know where I was and I told him. I trust him with my life sometimes... and with the way Logan was acting in L.A I trust Jake more. Him and Erika are coming in four months, so like April, I think we could have the baby shower then... you can invite the boys and I want team ten to be there!
Jack: ok that will be great text Jake and tell him to bring them!
Liv: ok! I did,  I'm gonna go to bed
Jack: same night,
They go get in bed, cuddle and fall asleep

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