What to do?

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Liv's P.O.V
I really don't know what to do the boys don't need to be bothered by me... I might call Logan. It's not a might its a I am calling Logan
Call With Logan
Logan: Sis omg what happened to you!
Liv: it's a long story but I'm at Jake's house and I need you to come get mine and the babies stuff, like now..
Logan: Ya sure I will be there soon we can go out after and you can tell me everything!
Liv: Ok thank you so much lo! I missed you!
Logan: I missed you too Liv! Be there soon bye
Liv: Ok Bye Lo!
Out of phone call
Logan came and got me and my stuff I said goodbye to team ten and told them what had happened between Jake and I... and Logan and I went to talk I filled him in on everything and called Lissa and told her to come to Logan's instead, he all ready had two rooms set aside for us and we could stay as long as we needed! I love him! Lissa and will pick out the designs for my room and the babies room today and shop a little. She got here and we decided to make my room will look like this:

 She got here and we decided to make my room will look like this:

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I Fell In Love With Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now