What did I do!

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Liv's P.O.V
I woke up in Cameron's arms! What happened I tried so hard to remember then it hit me... we hooked up. Omg, what am I going to do! I quickly wake him up and tell him what happened.
Cam: I'm so sorry I was so drunk!
Liv: Me too!
I realized something.. I missed him all he says is sorry and he is nice he only cheated on me once but it doesn't count because that girl pushed herself on to him. I ..love...Cameron Owen Sutton!
Liv: Cammy I want to try our relationship again... I think I love you!
Cam: *kisses her* You don't know how long I've waited for that!
Liv: hehe We should do something together today, with the twins!
Cam: That is a great idea let me get dresses, you can probably borrow something of Alex's (Chance's girlfriend)
Liv: I will!
Cameron's outfit:

 I think I love you!Cam: *kisses her* You don't know how long I've waited for that!Liv: hehe We should do something together today, with the twins!Cam: That is a great idea let me get dresses, you can probably borrow something of Alex's (Chance's ...

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Liv's outfit

Liv's outfit

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 We went and got the girls from Logan and went to the park it was very hot so we only stayed for a little, after we went home and it was time for the girls to get a nap

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We went and got the girls from Logan and went to the park it was very hot so we only stayed for a little, after we went home and it was time for the girls to get a nap. We put them in bed then we decided to make a cover of a song for my YouTube channel. We sang him and I by G-Easy and Halsey. (Song up top)
We had a lot of fun doing it and ended up making out in the end but the babies interrupted us. We ended up just going out in the backyard and playing until I got a call from Alissa saying to bring the babies over so they can see them. Cam tagged along to the clout house, he was nervous that Jake would find out and kick him out, but I told him not to worry and if anything happened he would have me. We got there and everyone was blogging including me because The Pretty Little Livy's are amazing. We just sat around the house and talked for the rest of the day until we went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We all ate and Cameron decided to stay at the house tonight because he didn't want to get interrogated by team ten. We put the babies to sleep when I realized a note in the kitchen. It said Logan would be gone until next week filming Logan Paul vs. I was happy to get the house to myself but my built in babysitter is gone.
Liv:The babies are asleep and they mostly sleep though the night so we have the house to ourselves! Logan left to film.
Cam: Great do you want to watch some movies?
Liv: Sure how about IT?
Cam: Ok!
We started watching the movie and then we started making out.... and more, but we used protected! No more kids!

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