Bye L.A Hello Pennsylvania

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I woke up the next morning and Jack wasn't in bed. I went down stairs to see if he was there and he was making pancakes. Liv: Aw you didn't have to make breakfast, I didn't even know you could cook! Jack: Ya I learned from my mom, she is a amazing cook. We ate breakfast and watched movies all day. At one point we were making out, Jack went to give me a hickey and the boys  walked in.  Daniel: woah I didn't need to see that! Jack was still shirtless from the night before, he went to get something and turned him back to the boys. Corbyn: Woah! Jack got some last night look at those nail marks! Now both of us are blushing and I say, Liv:I have to go bye boo! Bye guys! All the boys: bye Liv!

I got home and didn't feel so good, I threw up, Lydia walks in and said : Are you ok! Liv morning I'm fine just sick. Lydia: ok go rest, I think you need it! Liv: ok

One week later

Every morning this week I've been throwing up, I think I need to go to the doctor.  I looked it up online and it says I'm either sick or pregnant! I can't be pregnant! I need Jack to take me not Logan! I call him

Jack: hello

Liv: Hey I need you to take me to the doctor...

Jack: yes I will take you are you ok?!

Liv: no I'm not every morning for the last week I've been throwing and that means I could be pregnant...

Jack:oh I'll be right over!

Liv: ok bye boo!

Jack: bye babe!

I'm so nervous! I go get dressed in this

I'm so nervous! I go get dressed in this

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And do my make up like this

And do my make up like this

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And hair

Jack gets here and he is wearing this

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Jack gets here and he is wearing this

Jack gets here and he is wearing this

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We both laugh so hard. We leave for the doctors and I let him drive the Jeep. Liv: if I'm pregnant what are we going to do? Logan will hate me! Jack: It's ok! I talked to the my parents and we can move in with them in Pennsylvania untill the baby is born. I just have to fly out here a few times a month! Liv we can do this! Liv: oh ok! That will help a lot, I'm just scared! Jack: I know if you are  pregnant. I will book us tickets to leave tomorrow! Liv:ok! We can do this! They get to the doctors, I fills out paper work, and they call me back. Doctor: ok so you thing you could be pregnant, we will run a blood test to find out. Liv: ok. They just ran the blood. Doctor: Congratulations! You are pregnant! Liv: omg Jack: oh my god Liv and Jack are both crying. Liv: Can I have all my papers I'm moving so I need to find a doctor? Doc: Yes I will get them ready for you! Jack: thank you

We got the papers, I text Lydia,

Sister from another mister 😂😘😍👅🍑: I need you to pack ALL of my stuff and bring it to the WDW house. I will explain when you get here. Don't let Logan see you!

Sister Lydia 🍑👅😍💋😘😂: ok, are you ok?

Sister from another mister 😂😘😍👅🍑: I'm fine.

Liv: Lydia is bringing my stuff to your house now, when does the plane leave?

Jack: I didn't get us a flight, we can drive your cars I drive the Lamborghini, you drive the Jeep, are you going to tell Logan?

Liv: I'm going to give Lydia a letter to give to him, it will explain everything!

Jack: ok, are you ready to tell the boys

Liv: Can we wait for Lydia to get here? She is 2 minutes away.

Jack: sure

Lydia rolled up in my Lamborghini with my stuff  in the back. Liv: Hey come sit we are about to tell everyone what is going on!

Lydia: Ok.

Everyone is sitting on the couches except Jack and I.

Jack: We gathered you here to tell you something, Liv is pregnant.

Liv: and untill the baby is born we are moving to Pennsylvania to live with Jack's family!

Jack: We leave tonight, I will travel here once one twice a month untill the baby is born then we will get a place here.

Liv: You five are the only ones who know, NO TELLING Logan he can not know! No telling anyone. Ok?

Boys: congratulations, ok.

Lydia: I can't lie to him he is my boyfriend!

Liv: it's either boyfriend or best friend, Lydia. You pick?

Lydia: Fine, I just feel bad about him not knowing....

Liv: Don't worry, I wrote him this!

I hand her a letter in an envelope. We say goodbye, Lydia and I are crying.

Liv: this isn't good bye... 😭

Lydia: It's see you later!😭

Over these weeks I've become close with the boys, I will miss them.

Liv: we will text and call!

Jack: bye guys!

Liv: bye guys!

Boys+ Lydia: Bye Jack,  Bye Liv

And with that we leave, me in the Jeep, Jack in the Lamborghini. This will be a long 36 hours...

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