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Liv's P.O.V
Jack is suppose to be here any minute with Dani and Bean. We are going to The carrera cafe in Melrose, it's a real place and very nice to take pictures at. I got the girls ready:

 And posted it on instagram with the caption " My girls are ready to spend time with Uncle Dani and Uncle Corbean 😍😍 thanks for taking them today guys!"  Now its time for me to get ready

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And posted it on instagram with the caption " My girls are ready to spend time with Uncle Dani and Uncle Corbean 😍😍 thanks for taking them today guys!" Now its time for me to get ready.
Hair and makeup:

    Hair and makeup:

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 Jack, Dani and Bean got here, I explained everything to them about how to watch the babies and we left

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Jack, Dani and Bean got here, I explained everything to them about how to watch the babies and we left. We went to the cafe and ordered then talked...
Jack: You know how sorry I am that happened in Pennsylvania...
Liv: I know you are and I forgive you but you need to earn my trust again, i miss you as my boyfriend and our kids need a father!
Jack: Liv, will you take this promise ring back?

 Liv: I know you are and I forgive you but you need to earn my trust again, i miss you as my boyfriend and our kids need a father!  Jack: Liv, will you take this promise ring back?

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Liv: Of course I will!
They kiss and make up. It's only been half an hour so they go to walk around Melrose.
Jack: What so you want to do?
Liv: I have been thinking and I want to get a tattoo with the twins included in it!
Jack: I've been thinking that too why don't we go do it?!?!?
Liv: Ok, Romeo the best tattoo artist is right down the street.
Jack: Ok!
They go to Romeo and Liv get this:

But it says Luna and Rose and it has their birthday under it ( August 1st 2018) and Jack got this

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But it says Luna and Rose and it has their birthday under it ( August 1st 2018) and Jack got this

But it says Luna and Rose and it has their birthday under it ( August 1st 2018) and Jack got this

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With Luna & Rose 7•1•18 under it. We go back to the house and Logan, Dani and Bean are in the living room with the twins. I tell Dani and Bean I got this covered and they can leave. I wasn't going to tell Logan about my tattoo but I went to hug Dani and since I got it on my ribs I yelled in pain!
Dani: Are you ok!
Liv: I'm fine it's nothing....
Logan: What happened?
Liv: Nothing Logan!
Logan: I'm your brother I can tell when you are lying...
Liv: ok fine I will just show you * she pulls her shirt up*
Logan: omg a tattoo!! ( he sounds mad)
Liv: Yup I love it!! ( she said confidently)
Logan: Are you kidding me Olive you are only 17!!
Liv: Ya I love it! It has meaning!
Logan: My point is that you are only 17 and somehow got a tattoo?!?
Liv: Oh Jack signed the paper!
Jack: Yup! I got one too! * shows tattoo
Logan: You two are trouble sometime * shaking his head laughing
Jack: Well I'm pretty sure that the boys left with out me, Liv could you give me a ride to the house?
Liv: Actually I was planning on taking the twins to Jake's house he really wants to see them, and it would help if you came!
Jack: Ok!
Liv: Just let me get a bag together.. Logan watch the girls please!
Logan: Ok!
Jack and I run upstairs to the girls room and I get their stuff. I decided I was going to change my clothes too. I put this on this:

 And we go I text Jake in the since Jack insisted on diving

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And we go I text Jake in the since Jack insisted on diving.😒
Text with Sista Jake😂😂
Liv: Hey I'm bringing the girls over like you wanted but I'm bringing jack too! 😘
Sista Jake😂😂: Ok see ya when you get here!
We get to the house and Erika is outside waiting for us. She runs to the car and helps me get the babies out. Jake sees us and runs over to help with the bag. We end up going out to dinner with the team and talking about everything. Like The distracks... Jake forgave me so did Erika and we were all fine. Jack has seemed distant tonight I decided to ask him about it on the way home. We are on our way home and I ask him about it and he just says that he wanted me to spans time with Jake since I haven't seen him in a while. We got to the WDW House and I dropped him off. I told Rick that I would sleep over at her new house so I just went home to get clothes and stuff for the babies and went there.

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