The Letter

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Lydia's P.O.V 

I go home with the letter in my hand. I get home to see Logan in tears, passing down the hall infront of Liv's old room.

Logan: Liv is gone! Do you know where she is?!!?

Lydia: Babe no! She told me to give this to you tho she said she would be home later!

Logan: She wont answer the phone! I'll just read the letter!

Logan's P.O.V

I open the letter 

Dear Logan, the best bro ever<3 <3

       Hi, it's me Livya nd I'm pregnant, and Jack Robert Avery is the father.... I don't need all this stress of Hollywood, so untill the baby is born we are moving somewhere no where ne knows. I will miss you. I wish you were here to tell me everything would be ok but your not. We will be back after the baby is born. Just know this is not goodbye.... just see you later 


                 Olive Natalia Paul<3 <3 

I sat on the couch and cried, I need me sister. Lydia just held me in her arms and comforted me. She is the best. 

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