Masquerade Ball

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Liv's P.O.V
Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18! The best part of today will be the party! This is what it will look like:

VToday is my birthday! I'm finally 18! The best part of today will be the party! This is what it will look like:

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The night before Alissa, Erika, Lydia, Sommer, and Christina came and slept over so we could all get ready together today

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The night before Alissa, Erika, Lydia, Sommer, and Christina came and slept over so we could all get ready together today. Jack has the girls with him so I don't have to worry about them. We all got up and ate breakfast

We all got ready and met the boys at the party

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We all got ready and met the boys at the party. My mom came and at 8ish she took the girls home. Jack and I spent some time dancing and talking:
Jack: Happy Birthday Sexy.. *kisses her*
Liv: Thank you Handsome * turns into making out*
We danced a lot and after awhile we decided to cut the cake and open gifts! I got so many good gifts! Before I realized it Jack was in front of me giving a speech.
Jack:I just wanted to tell you all of the reasons that I love you. You are the mother of my children. You are the light of my life. You love me even if I mess up. We finish each other's sentences. You will never give up on me. Our bodies just fit together. You make me laugh. You are beautiful, pretty, precious, mine. I love you Olive Natalia Paul and I know I can't live without you. * gets down on one knee* Will you marry me? * pulls out ring*
I was crying now, I was so happy.
Liv: Yes, yes,yes, of course, one million times yes!
We kiss and have a great night. My birthday was one of the best!

I said yes! @JackAvery 😍❤️💍Comments Alissa Violet: Omg Love it!Jack Avery: I can finally call you my Fiancé!Corbyn Besson: Happy for you guys!WhyDontWe: CongratsSommer Ray: Happy for you babe! Vlog Mom: Can't believe I missed it! Logan Paul: Lov...

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I said yes! @JackAvery 😍❤️💍
Alissa Violet: Omg Love it!
Jack Avery: I can finally call you my Fiancé!
Corbyn Besson: Happy for you guys!
WhyDontWe: Congrats
Sommer Ray: Happy for you babe!
Vlog Mom: Can't believe I missed it!
Logan Paul: Love you sis and love you too bro! Be good to her @JackAvery
We had so much fun but around 12 am we decided to go home. When I walked in the door I saw a Gerberian Shepsky ( cross between a German Shepherd and Siberian Husky) sitting in a cage. Jack said Happy Birthday and that he got her for me. I named her Artemisia. In Greek history Artemisia is the twin of Apollo. I thought that would be really cute.

 I thought that would be really cute

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I told him thank you and we went to bed

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I told him thank you and we went to bed.

I Fell In Love With Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now