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I'm sitting in a booth of a café with Marcus and eating ice cream.

"So, sixteen. I remember when I was your age. So young, so naive." Marcus says pretending like he is memorizing something.

"Marcus, I'm one month older than you." I raise my eyebrow.

"Well uh- yeaa but I um." Marcus tries to come up with a comeback.

"Well done CusCus." I pat the back of his hand.

"Oh shut it Svartan." He says. We finish eating our ice creams and put our jackets on. We start walking home.

"Thank you for taking me out Marcus." I say when we get home.

"No problem kid." He says smirking and patting my head.

"I'm older, shut up Gunnarsen." I say and go upstairs to Martinus' room. He is focused writing something down by his table so I sneak behind him.

"Whatcha doing?" I whisper in his ear. He jumps up from his chair and quickly hides the paper he was writing on.

"Holy shit you scared me." He says holding his other hand over his chest.

"Sorry baby, I just came here to ask if you're ready to go." I say.

"Yes I'm ready, now go away so I can change." Martinus pecks me on the lips quickly and then pushes me out of the room. He closes the door to my face and I just stare at it. Well that happened.

"Okay let's go." Martinus comes out of his room and we go downstairs. We get a ride to the restaurant from his dad.

We sit on a table and order our food. We eventually get it and start eating.

"Are you ready to go home?" Martinus smirks. He is definitely up to something. I just say yes and we leave. His dad is waiting for us outside and we get in the car.

"Thanks for the ride dad, you can go now." Martinus says when we step out. Emma and his mom come out of the house and get in the car.

"What are you up to TinTin?" I ask looking at him and raising my other eyebrow.

"Hey what's with the weird nicknames for me and Marcus?" Martinus chuckles. "And you'll have to wait and see." He opens the door.

"Surprise!" Is the first thing I hear when we get in. There's lots of people in the house and I don't even know everyone.

"I uh- what is this?" I look at everyone a bit terrified.

"A surprise party. You're welcome babe." Martinus kisses me on the cheek. "Don't worry if you get anxious or scared I can send everyone home." He whispers.

"Thank you." I smile. We walk into the house and I go say hey to everyone. People start chatting with each other and the music starts playing.

"Want something to drink?" Marcus asks me.

"What's in it?" I ask.

"It's punch, it has alcohol and other things. It tastes good, don't worry about what's in it." He says pouring me some in a cup. I take it and drink some. A little alcohol won't hurt me will it?

After an hour or so almost everyone is pretty drunk already. I haven't drank that much because there's no need, I can have fun while being sober. I have no idea where Martinus is but I have been with Marcus and some other people.

"Jens why aren't you with Martinus?" Marcus asks me. He is leaning to me with his hand over my shoulder and mine on his waste. He can't really stand up on his own.

"For the hundredth time Marcus, I don't know where he is." I chuckle a bit.

"Aren't you scared that he's screwing someone right now?" He asks.

"No I'm not Marcus because I trust him." I say.

"But that's what he's like. He just bangs girls while he's drunk and then he doesn't even remember their names and everything." Marcus explains.

"Marcus, darling, I think you should get some water for a change." I say. I can't help but get this little feeling inside of me that Martinus is in bed with some random girl. No, I trust him.

"I'll go get you some water Marcus, stay here with Elena." I say and let go of him. I go to the kitchen and get a bottle of water from the sink.

"Hey baby." I hear someone whisper. Oh thank god, it's Martinus. I turn around.

"Who are you?" I ask him. He's not Martinus but some random kid from our school. I just don't know his name.

"I'm Nick. So, would the birthday girl like to have some fun?" He asks getting closer to me.

"Yes I would, but not with you." I say and try to get past him but he puts his hands on my hips.

"Hey we can have some fun too." He says and pulls me closer to him again.

He has his other hand on my hip and with the other one he grabs my ass. Then he forces his lips to mine. I try to push him away but he's too strong.

"What the fuck is going on in here!" Martinus yells. That for sure is Martinus. And he sounds mad. Nick gets distracted so I push him away.

"Martinus thank god." I run up to him and try to give him a hug but he pushes me away.

"Get the hell away from me you cheater!" He says. "And you!" He points at Nick. "Get out!"

Nick mumbles something but does as Martinus says. Martinus turns to me before leaving the room. He looks really disappointed in me. I didn't even have the change to explain what happened.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now