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"Happy birthday baby." I whisper and gently shake Martinus so he would wake up. A smirk appears on his face and he opens his eyes.

"Thank you my love." He smiles and pulls me to bed next to him. I give him a kiss and give him his present.

I got him those football shoes he has been wanting for like two months. He opens the bag I put them in and starts smiling widely.

"Thank you so much I love you." He says and kisses me. He pulls me on his lap and we start making out.

"Woah woah kids in the room!" Marcus shouts from the door. I quickly get up from the bed.

"Sorry Marcus, a boy has to have his birthday fun." Martinus says and pulls me back to sit next to him.

"Can I have some of that birthday fun too?" Marcus asks and winks at me. I just laugh.

"Happy birthday Marcus. I'll give you your present later." I say. Marcus' face lights up when I mention the present. That lil kid.

"Yea happy birthday bro, love you." Martinus says.

"You too man." Marcus says and leaves the room leaving me and Martinus alone again.

"Wanna finish what we started?" He asks. I smirk and start kissing him again.
"Yes mom, we can survive on our own, you can go now." Marcus says shoving his mom out the door. "Love you mom, have a good night!" He says before closing the door.

"Okay, let's do this." Martinus says giving Marcus a high five. They put on some music and start getting ready for the party.
The house is almost full of people. The birthday boys are somewhere and I'm in the living room talking with some of their friends. They're actually pretty nice.

"Jennyyy can you come dance with me?" Marcus asks and puts his arm over my shoulder. I nod and we go to the floor.

I'm not doing much dancing, I'm just laughing at drunk Marcus who's, well, trying to look good when he dances.

I turn my head and see Martinus talking with Elise. It looks like they're arguing.

"Elise stop, I told you, it's over. I love Jenny and only her." Martinus says. Wait what?

"Oh like you wouldn't rather have me, I'm so much hotter and better in bed." Elise winks. Martinus just sighs but doesn't push her away.

"I still think it was just a bad mistake, I don't have any feelings for you." Martinus says and turns to me. He freezes to his place and gulps.

I turn around and go to the hall. I get out of the house, I need some fresh air. It's really hot inside.

I hear running steps coming towards me so I start walking faster. I have no idea where I'm going.

"Jenny stop!" Martinus shouts. "I'm sorry, can we please talk?" He reaches up to me and grabs my hand.

"No, Martinus! This is ridiculous, I can't believe I actually trusted you through all this. I should've known what's going on." I say and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"It was a mistake, it only happened like one time. I love you and nobody else." Martinus looks me in the eye.

"How do I know that? How do I know you're not saying that to like three other girls at the same time." I rip my hand off of his.

"Do you actually think I would do that? Jenny, come on. Look at me." Martinus takes a hold of my shoulders. "I'll let you check my messages, Instagram DMs, anything."

"You already messed up once, this was the second time. I don't want my heart to break for the third time too." I say and look down.

"Jenny Svartan, I promise to you with all my heart that I love you and only you." Martinus puts his index finger under my chin and raises my head so I'm looking at him.

"Martinus Gunnarsen, it's over." I say and push past him. I walk back in and wipe a tear which started rolling down my cheek.

Marcus tries to talk to me but I just push past him straight to my room. I can't believe all this is happening again.

I thought Martinus was better. But what can you expect from someone who used to bully you?

I guess it's better this way.

At least he can't hurt me again.

(un)happy // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now